“Star’s Christmas Wish,” was written and illustrated by Charmain Ingleton.
This delightful 24-paged colourful children’s Christmas picture book, tells the tale of a Star that wants an important job to do on Christmas eve.
Star had one big wish!
He wanted to shine like the stars in the
sky but how was that to happen without any sparkle and shine?
Unhappy star wants an important job to do
on Christmas eve, so would an encounter with tinsel turn out to be just what
star needs?
This is a wonderful, magical story for young children to
read at Christmas where Star’s Christmas wish comes true.
It’s a delightful Christmas story for young children that encourages hope and friendship.
A magical Christmas bedtime-story for children that features a cute little star.
Star's Christmas Wish children's book also makes a wonderful Christmas gift or stocking filler.
Follow the link now to get your copy of Star’s Christmas Wish;
Also why not visit the author's website below to see other Christmas books available.
Merry Christmas
Author: Charmain Ingleton