Showing posts with label England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label England. Show all posts

Monday, 13 February 2017

Are Aliens A Myth?

The question is, “Are Aliens a Myth?”

I’ve read many articles about whether aliens existed or not with suggestions that alien’s are just a myth or are a figment of our own imagination?

Well now I could agree if it wasn’t for the fact that in 329 BC in Central Asia, Alexander the Great recorded seeing two silver shields spitting fire around the rims in the sky diving repeatedly at his army.

Or that in England in 1676 Edmund Halley the discoverer of the Halley’s Comet saw an UFO that was said to have a vast body apparently bigger than the moon. He also recalled seeing an unidentified flying object on a second occasion too. 

So did these great men have an even greater imagination then we do or would you conclude that aliens do exist?

What do you think? 

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 25 July 2016

Can We Time Travel?

My question is, “Can we time travel?”

Unfortunately it’s claimed that time travel isn’t possible without a portal, wormhole or time machine or like in Star Trek we slingshot off a star.

Well I’m not a scientist but I’ve time travelled to and from the future, and surprisingly enough so have a lot of people.

Now I’ve not gone through a portal or wormhole, and I’ve not used a time machine or been on board the Enterprise, but I have been on an aeroplane.

I travelled to Jamaica which I’ve gone back in time by 6 hours UK time and on my return to the UK, I travelled 6 hours into the future.

So the simple answer is yes, we can time travel.

So if you've travelled to America, Japan, Australia or beyond then you too have experienced time travel.

I’m not sure if the physicists would agree, but what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton