Monday, 7 May 2018

Is Virtual Reality The Next Stage Of Human Evolution?

The question is, “Is virtual reality the next stage of human evolution?” 

The future for VR is looking bright.

For as virtual reality becomes part of everyday life, then I believe we will rely on VR headsets just as much as we rely on our current mobile devices.

With VR headsets we could work from home viewing our work environment and work colleagues without ever leaving the bedroom.

Our children could go to virtual schools, they could sit at home with the VR headset on and be educated by a virtual teacher and communicate with school friends all via the headset or a specially designed VR room without ever leaving the house.

Gone will be the days when you go out to socialise instead you’ll meet friends and work colleagues as avatars in a virtual world. Just think no more driving offences or accidents.

When this happens, it will be easier to migrate to virtual planets in other galaxies and travel any distance without any effort at all.

So, if humans evolve and fade into a VR world, just think what our next evolutional stage would be in one hundred years from now?

But hey, I’m just thinking out of the box.

So, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Stone Soup

I read the children’s book called, ‘Stone Soup.’

This children’s book was written by Ann McGovern and illustrated by Winslow Pinney Pels.

This delightful children’s picture book is about a poor man and a stone.

When a poor man knocks on an old lady’s house for food she refuses to give him any, so instead he asks that she give him a stone.

The old lady tells him to collect one from the road and is surprised when he tells her that he can make soup from a stone.

Curious by his remark she gives him a cooking pot as she wants to witness this stone soup for herself. She even gives him some vegetables for the soup.

The soup smelt delightful and after the delicious soup was eaten the poor man retrieved the stone exclaiming it wasn’t cooked enough and then went on his way.

It’s funny that even though times have changed and a stone can no longer be used to trick us, tricksters are still about today. It’s just that now they’re called fraudsters and instead of a stone it’s a fictitious email. Same trick just a different method.

Why not read the book or watch the video on YouTube, then you can tell me what you think?

A good read, enjoyable and entertaining for both young and old.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 30 April 2018

Could Virtual Reality Be A Danger To Our Health?

The question is, “Could virtual reality be a danger to our health?”

Virtual reality (VR) headsets are the latest craze which is great for gamers and all types of companies that want to promote and entice you to buy their gadgets.

So, could this wonderful gadget be a danger to our health?

I believe it could, currently there are some adults and children that play computer games all day without taking a break. Some children are now having night terrors believing that they’re in the game.

So, if this is the effect that just a regular computer game has on them then what will a VR game with a headset do?

I’ve heard that virtual reality is an out of the world experience, but too much time in an avatar world I think will eventually have an ill-effect on human health.

Not in the way you may think, but our eating and sleeping habits would change as we’re caught up in a virtual world full of wonder and amazement, beauty and happiness, wealth and pleasure that many of us don’t have.

So, as we’re hypnotized by another life style through a virtual world, isn’t it possible that our eating and sleeping in reality becomes non-existent allowing our real life to fade away.

But hey, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 29 April 2018

Just Going To The Dentist

I read the children’s book called, ‘Just Going to The Dentist.’

This children’s book was written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer.

It’s a delightful children’s picture book about little critter’s first time at the dentist.

When little critter goes to the dentist for a check-up on his teeth, he finds that not all his teeth are perfect; one tooth has a cavity.

This is the ideal children’s picture book to read to young children before they experience their first visit to the dentist.

In an animated way it shows what happens at the dentist, diluting any fear of the unknown.

With the focal point being the dentist’s chair, and with the drill and gadgets on display it’s understandable that the little critter views the room as a “Weird room like a spaceship.”

So, why not familiarise your child with the dentist by reading this book or watching the video on YouTube, then you can tell me what you think.

It’s a great book for young children.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 23 April 2018

Could Aliens Control Us Through Virtual Reality?

The question is, “Could aliens control us through virtual reality?”

Well I say it’s possible.

Virtual reality headsets appear to be an advanced technology that came onto the scene quite quickly.

I understand that tech giants always want to bring out the latest gadget, so who’s to say that this isn’t alien technology?

How can you trust something that makes you believe you are elsewhere?

Your tricking the mind into believing that you’re somewhere you’re not, and when that happens you are no longer in control.

When under the influence of VR who’s to say that aliens can’t hack the frequency?

Maybe I’m getting paranoid in my old age but all you have is your mind, so why would you want others to mess with it?

But hey, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 22 April 2018

It Came In The Mail

I read the children’s book called, ‘It Came in The Mail.’

This children’s book was written and illustrated by Ben Clanton.

It’s a delightful children’s picture book about a mailbox and a little boy named Liam.

Liam always wanted to get mail but when he didn’t get any he decided to write a letter to the mailbox. He was surprised when he was sent a gift.

But when writing more letters produced too many gifts for his room, he decided not to keep them.

Remembering how he’d felt when he’d received his first mail, he decided to post some gifts to his friends. It made them very happy.

What a good friend.

Why not read the book or go to YouTube and watch the video, then you can tell me what you think?

It’s a great book for young children that encourages friendship and sharing.

Author: Charmain Ingleton