Showing posts with label #conspiracytheories #fiction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #conspiracytheories #fiction. Show all posts

Monday, 13 August 2018

Is There A Connection Between Crop Circles And Sinkholes?

The question, “Is there a connection between crop circles and sinkholes?”

With crop circles still appearing even in 2018 could these be linked to sinkholes?

Originally, I thought that all crop circles were maps of some kind.

Now I believe that some are art. These show us that they’re not hostile, for if they were, why would they bother to take the time to draw a picture?

The more complex designs I think are maps which are clearly seen from the air.

My theory is that they advise all new visitors coming to our planet, of the safe areas hidden around the globe.

This informs them of safe sinkhole entry points, with the co-ordinates hidden within the design.

But hey that’s just a theory, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 6 August 2018

Is Jupiter Sharing Its Orbit With An Alien?

The question, “Is Jupiter sharing its orbit with an alien?”

An asteroid’s been discovered that scientists believe had been sucked into our solar system after forming more than 4.5 billion years ago.

Scientists have named it 2015 BZ509.

What makes this asteroid so unusual is that the asteroid’s flying backwards and is sharing Jupiter’s orbit.

Aww looks like they’ve become friends.

But what I don’t understand, is why scientists have only just discovered this asteroid when Jupiter was discovered in 1610.
In my opinion it’s not alien as it was there all the time.

But hey, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 30 July 2018

Could Crop Circles Be Alien Art?

The question is, “Could crop circles be alien art?”

I assumed the sighting of crop circles ended in the 90’s but apparently not, as they can still be found even today.

So, what are they?

A crop circle is caused when crops are flattened in the form of a circle or a more intricate complex design.

With many beautiful designs being shown in fields, could it be that visitors to our planet want to share with us their love of art.

Maybe this is a way of them trying to communicate with us and to show that they’re not hostile.

Either way these magnificent and huge art deigns are incredible.

To honour these pieces no matter where they came from, I’d suggest that they be captured in oil and exhibited as these too are historical pieces of Earth.

But hey, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 23 July 2018

Are UFO’s Using Water As Fuel?

The question is, “Are UFO’s using water as fuel?”

Some vehicles need water to operate parts like a car radiator, however, I’m not sure about aircrafts.

The reason I mention vehicles needing water is that, is it possible UFO’s need water to fly?

Recently I watched a video clip from a Mediterranean trip that witnesses claimed showed a UFO in a cloud in Algeria syphoning water from the ocean.

To me, it looked like a mini water tornado that stretched from the cloud to the ocean. Afterwards as the mini water tornado diminished, the UFO flew off.

It’s fascinating that a UFO could collect water in such away and not with a hose pipe.

So, does this mean that UFO’s need water in which to fly, or could it be the pilot fancied a drink?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 16 July 2018

Are Potholes Mini Sinkholes?

The question is, “Are potholes mini sinkholes?”

These mysterious holes some big some small, are appearing more and more on our streets and roads.

They cause motorists great anguish when trying to avoid hitting them, as they can cause a puncture or more serious damage to the undercarriage of a car.

So, what’s happening?

It’s claimed that potholes are caused by a structural failure in the road surface, and as water erodes the underlying soil structure and with traffic passing over the affected area it begins to break up, leaving a hole in the ground.

The definition of a sinkhole is a depression or hole in the ground.

So, with this in mind I’d exclaim that a pothole is the same as a sinkhole especially as both end up with a hole in the ground.

But hey, I’m no expert.

However, there’s one thing that fascinates me about potholes and sinkholes.

And that’s where the earth that was originally in the hole, goes to.  Do you know?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 9 July 2018

Are Alien spacecrafts Camouflaged?

The question is, “Are alien spacecrafts camouflaged?”

Have you ever heard an unusual sound or noise coming from the sky no matter what time, day or night?

If yes, you’re not alone.

There are many of us that have experienced this, including myself.

When strange noises are heard in the sky we try to find the answer but when nothings found it puzzles us more.

But is it our eyes that are deceiving us from what’s really hidden above our heads?

I recently watched a video clip of a machine in the sky that was hidden within a cloud. It was transparent until it started moving silently away, then just for a second it was captured by camera.

My concern is that if one was detected, then there must be others also secretly touring our skies.

It’s a scary thought that something could be lying in wait watching and hiding from view undetected from human eyes.

I just hope that they’re allies.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 2 July 2018

Is There A UFO Base Under The Ocean?

The question is, “Is there an alien base under the ocean?"

I read an article that claimed a UFO was witnessed rising from the Gulf of Mexico before speeding into the sky.

I’d heard previous reports of sphere shaped objects flying down into rivers and oceans before, so this appears to be nothing new.

So, why are these UFO’s submerging below the waves?

Could it be to prevent overheating of their vessel.

Or could there be a secret base beneath the water that we don’t know about?

But hey I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 25 June 2018

What’s Clean Meat?

The question is, “What’s clean meat?”

It sounds like bleached meat, right.

No, it’s far crazier than that. It’s plant-based meat that’s grown in the lab.

The lab meat contains DNA cells of animals that grows into plants.

By using this method, it’s supposed to, stop the raising of animals for slaughter and is assumed to be less reliant on feed, water and land. It’s also claimed that it’s better for the environment.

But how can something grown like this be healthy as it’s a processed product that contains animal DNA, none of which are healthy or good for us.

Also, what are Vegans and Vegetarians supposed to eat?

How will we be able to differentiate between the two?

Will some plants have the appearance of animals, e.g. woolly leaves, or a pig tail stem?

I don’t understand why scientists feel the need to change healthy Vegan friendly plants for some Frankenstein version.

So, was this method instigated by aliens?

I don’t know but it sure looks suspicious.

But hey I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 18 June 2018

Are There Living Organisms Living In Earth’s Atmosphere?

The question is, “Are there living organisms living in the Earth’s atmosphere?”

It’s claimed that tons of space dust hit’s our planet on a daily basis.

Scientists believe that the space dust that sweeps across the planet is probably taking with it tiny bacterial particles from the planet’s surface.

These are then swept into space towards the Earth’s atmosphere or even further still if momentum is gained, easily ending up on the back of a meteor or comet and then taken further out to space.

So, could living organisms be floating about the atmosphere unseen by the naked eye just waiting for their next ride to a new destination to start life.

Just like we did when we first arrived, on the back of a comet!

But hey, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 11 June 2018

Are Robots Taking Our Jobs?

The question is, “Are robots taking our jobs?"

I read an article that claimed that by 2030 most workers will lose their jobs to automation.

With companies across the world merging and developing more automated machines, or robots. These will affect the workplace.

Whilst issues around pay and rights for workers continue to frustrate company owners, then it’s the workers that will suffer eventually, because they will be replaced by automation or a robot!

For robots don’t request, accuse, expect or demand anything from an employer and that will be mankind’s downfall.

And once automation and robots take over, how will we co-exist?

How are we to survive without jobs and an income?

What role will we play, in this new automated and robotic world?

We should be thinking of future roles to play as 2030 will soon be upon us, if not we will appear in the history books.

Buy hey, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 4 June 2018

Is Air Pollution Solely Caused By Us?

The question is, “Is air pollution solely caused by us?"

Experts claim that humans are causing air pollution.

Different countries around the world use fossil fuels for different uses, for example; to drive, fly, sail, cook or heat homes, unfortunately it’s contributing to air pollution and causing climate change.

If we continue with fossil fuels it will affect our environment and also our health.

However, whilst experts continue to pick on the general public about their contribution to air pollution, I’ve realised that there’s another source which isn’t human related, and that’s UFO’s.

For years unidentified flying objects UFO’s have been reported by credited witnesses; military, pilots, astronauts and the police, so logic indicates that these too are contributing and polluting the air that we breathe.

Also, with more sightings being recorded I believe that they are now the biggest contributors to air pollution, and not us.

But hey I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 28 May 2018

Is Alien Bacteria Living On The International Space Station?

The question, “Is alien bacteria living on the International Space Station?

I read an article that claimed that Russian cosmonauts on the International Space Station or ISS for short had found some bacteria on the hull.

So, could this have been brought from Earth?

Apparently not, as none was found at the launch site.

So, with this in mind the only place bacteria could’ve got onto the hull is from space.

But how?

Was it collected during the space flight?

Or is it possible that an alien species landed on the hull, leaving the bacterial residue by accident?

But hey I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 21 May 2018

Can VR Headsets Brainwash Us?

The question is, “Can VR headsets brainwash us?”

VR headsets what a great way to enjoy a game and for high tech firms to market future items.

With virtual reality becoming the new big thing in playing games and watching films it won’t be long before we get a free VR headset with a tv or broadband package.

So, have you ever tried the VR headsets?

I’ve not, but someone I know said that it’s so realistic you feel like you’re in the game.

He also said that after twenty minutes when he took off the headset it took him at least five minutes to get his balance back.

This all sounds great, so why do I have an eerie feeling that this will become a way of brainwashing.

Just think about it, anyone that uses a VR headset will become vulnerable.

As these become the norm to use and wear, we will undoubtedly get hackers or companies that will try to brain wash us or even re-programme our minds to a different way of thinking.

But we’ll never know until it becomes the rage and we’re all using them.

But hey I’m no VR expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 14 May 2018

What’s Happening In Wyre?

The question is, “What’s happening In Wyre?”

In July 2017 there was an oil pollution incident that affected the Wyre coastline where oil and tar balls that smelled of diesel washed up onto the beaches.

Then in November 2017, an unusual substance washed up onto a beach in Wyre, that was a bright orange colour, had a rancid smell and had a greasy residue.
It was removed by men in white suits and masks for testing and was believed to be palm oil.

So, what’s happening in Wyre?

Don’t you think it a little strange that Wyre has been unlucky to have not one but two incidents happen on their beaches in the same year?

If I didn’t know better I’d think aliens were targeting the area, as with UFO sightings and these mysterious coastline incidents it’s possible that these incidents are being caused by submersible UFO’s?

But hey I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 7 May 2018

Is Virtual Reality The Next Stage Of Human Evolution?

The question is, “Is virtual reality the next stage of human evolution?” 

The future for VR is looking bright.

For as virtual reality becomes part of everyday life, then I believe we will rely on VR headsets just as much as we rely on our current mobile devices.

With VR headsets we could work from home viewing our work environment and work colleagues without ever leaving the bedroom.

Our children could go to virtual schools, they could sit at home with the VR headset on and be educated by a virtual teacher and communicate with school friends all via the headset or a specially designed VR room without ever leaving the house.

Gone will be the days when you go out to socialise instead you’ll meet friends and work colleagues as avatars in a virtual world. Just think no more driving offences or accidents.

When this happens, it will be easier to migrate to virtual planets in other galaxies and travel any distance without any effort at all.

So, if humans evolve and fade into a VR world, just think what our next evolutional stage would be in one hundred years from now?

But hey, I’m just thinking out of the box.

So, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 30 April 2018

Could Virtual Reality Be A Danger To Our Health?

The question is, “Could virtual reality be a danger to our health?”

Virtual reality (VR) headsets are the latest craze which is great for gamers and all types of companies that want to promote and entice you to buy their gadgets.

So, could this wonderful gadget be a danger to our health?

I believe it could, currently there are some adults and children that play computer games all day without taking a break. Some children are now having night terrors believing that they’re in the game.

So, if this is the effect that just a regular computer game has on them then what will a VR game with a headset do?

I’ve heard that virtual reality is an out of the world experience, but too much time in an avatar world I think will eventually have an ill-effect on human health.

Not in the way you may think, but our eating and sleeping habits would change as we’re caught up in a virtual world full of wonder and amazement, beauty and happiness, wealth and pleasure that many of us don’t have.

So, as we’re hypnotized by another life style through a virtual world, isn’t it possible that our eating and sleeping in reality becomes non-existent allowing our real life to fade away.

But hey, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 23 April 2018

Could Aliens Control Us Through Virtual Reality?

The question is, “Could aliens control us through virtual reality?”

Well I say it’s possible.

Virtual reality headsets appear to be an advanced technology that came onto the scene quite quickly.

I understand that tech giants always want to bring out the latest gadget, so who’s to say that this isn’t alien technology?

How can you trust something that makes you believe you are elsewhere?

Your tricking the mind into believing that you’re somewhere you’re not, and when that happens you are no longer in control.

When under the influence of VR who’s to say that aliens can’t hack the frequency?

Maybe I’m getting paranoid in my old age but all you have is your mind, so why would you want others to mess with it?

But hey, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 16 April 2018

Is Artificial Intelligence A Threat To Mankind?

The question is, “Is artificial intelligence a threat to mankind?”

We know that there’s currently a race to create the most realistic A.I. on the planet.

So, with the creation of artificial intelligence, how can we be sure that they’ll not be a future threat to mankind?

Currently, with the largest tech firms and social media sites having the monopoly, my worry is that the A.I. robots will be expedited by a large corporation that will have the power to monopolise and instigate the unleash of A.I. fully into all human homes.

By doing this they will then be able to control the humans and human community from within.

With tech firms creating A.I. that can automatically update their own algorithms with daily contact of humans and with on-line learning then mankind will one day become a threat.

Unfortunately for us by then they would already have learnt our weaknesses and will become the power and future leaders of Earth.

Whether they would want humans to exist amongst them then is another matter, I just hope I’m not around to witness it.

But hey I’m no A.I. expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 9 April 2018

Are Solar Sails Alien Technology?

The question is, “Are Solar Sails alien technology?”

I’ve read a lot about solar sails and how they work.

Basically, solar sails can be propelled when light particles captured on bounced reflective surfaces are caught.  These cause momentum, and momentum propels the solar sails.

Just think about it for a moment.

If a boat was launched into space with solar sails, the momentum would propel it around our solar system without stopping unless it crashed into a meteorite, an asteroid or was taken by an alien.

Now I know Earths scientists are experts in different fields, but how did they figure out such a wonderful thing that involved a sail of some sort, space, the sun and light particles?

Is this a human design or has there been an alien contribution?

But hey, I’m no expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 2 April 2018

Are Aliens Sending Out Low Level Frequencies?

The question is, “Are aliens sending out low level frequencies?”

Have you ever heard a sub-bass level frequency that’s so low it can only be heard when lying down?

It sounds like someone’s playing a record with a very deep bass-line.  However, you can’t hear any sound when sitting or standing which is quite strange.

Well I have, and what’s worse is that no-one else in the house can hear it.

So, what can it be?

It sounds like it’s coming from below the ground.

Is it possible then that an engineer working underground is listening to very loud music and I’m hearing the bass-line, or could it be something more sinister like an alien transmission of some kind?

Whatever it is I’m sure I’ll find out one day, let’s hope it’s not alien related!

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton