Sunday, 10 February 2019

When I Get Bigger

I recently read the children’s book called, ‘When I Get Bigger.’

This children’s book was written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer.

It’s a delightful children’s picture book tells the tale of the little critter and what he’ll do when he gets bigger.

This book reminds me of when I was little and what I wanted when I was bigger.

Most children believe that being bigger will give them more freedom, but it usually does the opposite and comes with restrictions.

As you get older, certain allowances are given, like for example; when you learn to listen and can use a knife and fork then parents are happy to take you to a Toby carvery or other eating establishment. They’ll also allow you to stay up an hour later than usual, if your good.

As you get older you can negotiate having a sleep-over, and even getting a Saturday job, especially as you’ve now reached the age where you want to be independent.

Then as you become a teenager you want to experience new things, like; dating, clubbing, tasting your first drink, taking driving lessons and going to university etc.

Buy hey I’m not bigger yet so if you want to find out all about the little critters experience then when you’re next in the library why not read the book, or you could with parental guidance watch the story on YouTube. Either way, tell me what you think.

And remember, getting bigger is not all that it’s cracked out to be, it just means you’re getting older!

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 3 February 2019

A Cat Called Slinky Malinki

I recently read the children’s book called, ‘Slinki Malinki.’

This children’s book was written and illustrated by Lynley Dodd.

It’s a delightful children’s picture book about an adventurous cat called Slinki Malinki.

This children’s book tells the tale of a black cat that has two different personalities.

During the day he’s a cheeky and fun cat but as day turned to dusk, he turned wicked and sly.

At night Slinki Malinki became a cat burglar, taking things from houses that didn’t belong to him.

What a naughty cat.

It’s a great book that children would like especially if they have a cat.

For you never know, your cat could be a cat burglar too!

So, next time you’re at the library why not read the book, or you could with parental guidance watch the story on YouTube. Either way, tell me what you think.

And remember cats have secrets that none of us know, most sleep all day and are out all night, but are they a burglar, howler or party goer, none of us really know for sure!

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Friday, 1 February 2019

Best Short Stories For Children


Newly released children's paperback, “Andy Go Joe’s Mini Adventure Stories,” includes fifteen short funny adventure stories for boys and girls that feature Andy Go Joe and his friends. 


Some of the stories include; sailing across a gigantic puddle, flying to the moon and escaping a black hole, getting sucked into a portal and ending up on another world, getting chased by a dinodog, meeting an alien, finding a mysterious pyramid, catching a tiger and finding a magic wand. 

This is the perfect adventure story book for children aged between 5-6-years-old to share or to read alone. 

These short funny stories will inspire a child's imagination especially at bedtime.  

To purchase a copy go direct to; Andy Go Joe's Mini Adventure Stories

To see the full range of children's books please visit my author website below.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 27 January 2019

Just Helping My Dad

I recently read the children’s book called, ‘Just helping My Dad.’

This children’s book was written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer.

It’s a delightful children’s picture book about the little critter, who this time wants to help his dad.

So, whilst the little critters dad is still in bed, he makes breakfast. The mess in the kitchen should’ve been an indicator of how the day was going to unfold.

The day doesn’t go as planned and after the little critter ruins the plants and gets water inside the car, his parents worry about what he’ll help to do next!

This is a great book for both children and adults to read, as all children like to help by doing things. So, don’t diminish their enthusiasm or lack of patience with your own.

Remember we’re all teachers, children learn from us, so be enthusiastic and patient and enjoy learning together.

So, next time you’re in the library why not read the book, or you could with parental guidance watch the story on YouTube. Either way, tell me what you think.

And remember, adults never stay in bed if the children are already up!

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 20 January 2019

If You Happen To Have A Dinosaur

I read the children’s book the other day called, ‘If You Happen To Have A Dinosaur.’

This children’s book was written by Linda Bailey, and wonderfully illustrated by Colin Jack.

It’s a delightful children’s picture book about different dinosaurs.

This book is slightly different as it tells of how useful dinosaurs would be around the house.

“Hmm interesting, I hear you say.”

Well after reading this book I found out that there were lots of things that a dinosaur could do.

One small problem though, I haven’t got one!

If you’re one of the lucky few that has a dinosaur, then this is definitely the book for you.

Also, great to read if you haven’t got a dinosaur, as it’s always best to prepare.

A great book that all children would like, even the adults.

So next time you’re at the library why not read the book, or you could with parental guidance watch the story on YouTube. Either way, tell me what you think.

And remember always watch out for the dinosaurs!

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 13 January 2019

I Just Forgot

I recently read the children’s book called, ‘I Just Forgot.’  

This children’s book is written and illustrated by Mercer Mayer. 

It’s a delightful children’s picture book about the little critter, who just forgot.

Sometimes you forget to do things when you get up in the morning, so when the little critter forgot to make his bed and put the milk away, you know what type of day it’s going to be.

And throughout the day he’s reminded by his mum of what to do, for example to close the fridge door after opening it, but the little critter had an excuse for everything he’d forgotten to do.  

Remind you of anyone?

This is a great book for both children and adults to read as young children sometime get confused or can become forgetful just like the little critter. Adults too, can also get forgetful or confused like me, “Hmm, where am I?”

So, when you’re in the library next why not read the book, or you could with parental guidance watch the story on YouTube. Either way, tell me what you think.

And remember, with our busy lifestyles and schedules we all forget to do things, so the solution is;

‘Post-it notes,’ great for leaving notes around the house, now I never forget anything.

“Oh look, there’s one, I’m in the sitting room.”

Author: Charmain Ingleton