‘Andy Go Joe Adventure on Honeycomb Mountain,’ is a short children’s adventure story featuring non scary aliens.
Written by Charmain Ingleton. Original character illustrations are by Severino Ribecca.This original children’s story tells the tale of how a 10-year
old boy named Andy Go Joe, gets transported to a mysterious world through a portal
when it suddenly appears in the garden shed.
But what is this strange world?
Maxwell the alien sunflower informs them that it is a
land of milk and honey.
A land full of milk and honey may be fun, but a race against time becomes quite an adventure for Andy Go Joe and his friends, especially when the mysterious Cowtwo appears!
“Oh no, what’s a Cowtwo you might ask?”
“It’s a two headed cow!”
So, to find out what happens on this strange alien world and
to tell me what you think, just follow the link to YouTube. (*please make sure you get permission
from a parent or adult first or watch together).
Andy Go Joe Adventure on Honeycomb Mountain
Other Andy Go Joe YouTube videos
Visit the author's website www.charmainingleton.uk to see all the Andy Go Joe children's books available.
Author: Charmain Ingleton