Showing posts with label #sciencefiction #aliens #scifi #planetearth #UFO #theenvironment #alientechnology #greenenergy #thewalkways #thewalkwaystrilogy Crop Circles New Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #sciencefiction #aliens #scifi #planetearth #UFO #theenvironment #alientechnology #greenenergy #thewalkways #thewalkwaystrilogy Crop Circles New Art. Show all posts

Monday, 30 July 2018

Could Crop Circles Be Alien Art?

The question is, “Could crop circles be alien art?”

I assumed the sighting of crop circles ended in the 90’s but apparently not, as they can still be found even today.

So, what are they?

A crop circle is caused when crops are flattened in the form of a circle or a more intricate complex design.

With many beautiful designs being shown in fields, could it be that visitors to our planet want to share with us their love of art.

Maybe this is a way of them trying to communicate with us and to show that they’re not hostile.

Either way these magnificent and huge art deigns are incredible.

To honour these pieces no matter where they came from, I’d suggest that they be captured in oil and exhibited as these too are historical pieces of Earth.

But hey, I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton