Showing posts with label Mars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars. Show all posts

Monday, 17 July 2017

Would You Like To Regenerate?

The question is, “Would you like to regenerate?”

If a lizard (a reptile) lost part of its tail or you cut a leg off of a Salamander (which is also amphibian) it will grow back.

However, although we can grow an embryo, with bone, muscle and intricate blood vessels we cannot like a Salamander regenerate a leg if it was removed.

After your born the only thing humans can regenerate well is our epidermis; the top layer of our skin.

Whist sharks can continuously replace lost teeth, and spiders can regrow legs, we cannot.

So, although our technology is advanced for humans on our world, it appears that amphibians and reptiles have the upper hand in regeneration.

Although that may be the case but they’re not immortal for they are also doomed to become food for a much larger predator.

But the question still remains, “Would you like to regenerate?”

Well you’ll have to wait for scientists to figure that one out, in the meantime look after your epidermis and your teeth.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 10 July 2017

Would You Like To Be One of The First Settlers On Mars?

The question is, “Would you like to be one of the first settlers on Mars?”

I understand that in the future scientists plan to send humans to Mars.

The fact that it’s a one-way ticket excites but also scares me as there’s no coming back!

In my younger year’s I would have jumped at the chance to go into space and be one of the first settlers on Mars, however now I’m a little more cautious.

Just think, the first people chosen for this mission will be human guinea pigs to test liveability in a world so distant away from Earth?

Will they survive the flight?

Will they adapt to Mars?

As for once they reach Mars not only will they have to survive the surface conditions whatever Mars throws at them but they’d have to be psychologically ready for what they may find, especially in relation to another species that may already claim Mars as their home.

Also, if Martians already inhabit Mars how will they accept the invading humans, or will it be a hostile first encounter?

So, with all this in mind and even allowing for fake news on the internet about aliens on Mars there’s definitely one thing I know for sure and that’s, my names not down and I’m not going.

The only way I’d be going to Mars is through soul travel, for at least this way I can return safely to Earth any time I like.

But hey, I’m no astronaut, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 5 December 2016

Is There A Face On Mars?

The question is, “Is there a face on Mars?”

When pictures captured by the Viking 1 spacecraft in July 1976 showed an image of a human face two miles long that looked like an Egyptian Pharaoh, scientists were excited, but as usual anything that’s not already written in a book has to be scrutinized by the sceptics.

And so, years later in 2001 the Mars Global Surveyor took a second look taking photographs using the cameras absolute maximum resolution.

These showed that it looked like a butte or mesa (a medium sized hill with vertical steep sides) which easily dismissed the idea of it being a face of any kind, or that the Egyptian’s had created such a figure.

I’ve seen the pictures on the internet for both years 1976 and 2001.

In 1976 the face was more formed, but allow for years of wear and tear from the environment by the time you reach year 2001 some of the features would be destroyed.

Surprisingly the size of the structure remained the same with only the features destroyed, just like the Egyptian Pharaoh’s on our own planet!

In my opinion I believe the Egyptians found away to leave Earth and that’s why faces, pyramids and other structures have been constructed on other worlds in order to confirm this, and that cannot be dismissed by the sceptics.

But hey that’s only my opinion, so what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 5 September 2016

What’s A Time Cloak?

I read an article in the Mail Online about a “Time Cloak.”

It appears scientists have created a device they call a time cloak which bends light that tears holes in time.

In my opinion this is a great first step to light travel for if they can tear holes in time, they will eventually find away to send and return a spacecraft to a distant planet quickly, not like the future Mars mission that’s a one way flight.

Just think about it, once a spacecraft is successfully flown through a time cloak and returned, it will only be a matter of time before we can explore other worlds.

As long as we’re friendly to other species we’ll be able to book our holidays and travel to other destinations around the solar system.

And that’s not all; we could colonise new planets and grow our fast food industry with lots of galactic fast food outlets!

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton