Showing posts with label Alien Species. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alien Species. Show all posts

Monday, 26 February 2018

Are Solar Sails Alien Technology?

The question is, “Are Solar Sails alien technology?”

I’ve read a lot about solar sails and how they work.

Basically, solar sails can be propelled when light particles captured on bounced reflective surfaces are caught.  These cause momentum, and momentum propels the solar sails.

Just think about it for a moment.

If a boat was launched into space with solar sails, the momentum would propel it around our solar system without stopping unless it crashed into a meteorite, an asteroid or was taken by an alien.

Now I know Earths scientists are experts in different fields, but how did they figure out such a wonderful thing that involved a sail of some sort, space, the sun and light particles?

Is this a human design or has there been an alien contribution?

But hey, I’m no expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

What’s an Oumuamua?

The question is, “What’s an Oumuamua?”

This is the name given by scientists to an unusual shaped object that entered our solar system in October 2017.

It was first thought to be just another space rock. However, the strange narrow elongated shape had many experts and scientists thinking that maybe this wasn’t so, believing it to be an alien spacecraft or alien artefact instead.

So, what is it?

No one really knows for sure, that’s why as it’s still in our solar system scientists are trying to obtain information on the object.

My guess, it’s just a different type of space rock that we’ve not come across before in space.

Even on Earth there are many unusual rock formations that are still unexplained so why not in space?

But hey, I’m no expert what do you think? 

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 19 February 2018

Did Egyptians Build A Pyramid In Japan?

The question is, “Did Egyptians build a pyramid in Japan?”

Surprisingly, there is a mysterious pyramid estimated to be 10,000 years old that lies on the southern coast of Yonaguni, Japan.

Some scientists claim that the large blocks had formed naturally due to tectonic movement, whilst others believe that an ancient civilization had existed with these being the remnants.

So, however this structure came to be, it’s interesting to me that it’s beneath the ocean, and not on land.

However, I don’t believe that tectonic plate movement created a pyramid. Just check out the perfect pyramid shaped rock formation.

I do believe that tectonic plate movement caused the pyramid to be claimed by the sea, but that it was built by an ancient civilization.

But hey, I’m no archaeologist.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 12 February 2018

Are There Aliens In Our Oceans?

The question is, “Are there aliens in our oceans?”

With man wanting to venture upwards to the stars it makes me wonder why they don’t want to venture below the waves.

So, I’d say the answer to the question, is yes.

Are researchers and scientists afraid to delve deeper below the surface to find out what’s down there, or do they know something but aren’t telling us?

Could it be that they’re trying to protect us from the truth, or to what’s really in our oceans?

I think not, with satellites that can zoom to ground level, and equipment that’s been used to show underground ruins, I find it hard to believe that someone hasn’t got evidence of what’s in our oceans.

But hey, I’m no scientist.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 29 January 2018

Are The Ancient Civilizations Really Extinct?

The question is, “Are the ancient civilizations really extinct?”

Our planet is full of mysteries, with lost civilizations gone for centuries.

But are they really, gone?

We’ve seen the ruins of ancient civilizations all over the world but not many skeletal-remains.

If what we have been told is true, then we’d be walking upon the dead where-ever we tread. But haven’t you noticed, we never find any bone fragments, and I find this very interesting.

Could it be that the ancients were so smart that they used portals, that lay within Earths structure, like one famous example, “The Bermuda Triangle.” Where they left planet Earth, for another or other worlds?

For it makes no sense to me; for even if many battles were won and lost by many of these different advanced civilizations, how could they all just die out and be extinct?

Man, today in the twentieth century appears primitive compared to those in the history books, so maybe they still exist, but not on our world!

But hey, I’m no Historian.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 22 January 2018

Have You Heard Any Unexplained Sounds?

The question is, “Have you heard any unexplained sound?”

A few times in the last few months I’ve been woken up in the early hours of the morning by an unexplained sound.

This unusual sound appears to be coming from the sky.

I can hear it outside my bedroom window. It’s a sound I’ve never heard before and something I can’t really explain.

I know it’s not a helicopter, or drone because they have a distinctive sound; you know when ones flying close-by or overhead as they’re quite noisy.

So, could this unexplained sound be caused by an alien spacecraft?

I don’t know, but one things for sure something’s happening out there, in the dead of night when we’re all supposed to be in a deep sleep!

But hey I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 15 January 2018

Are Aliens Causing Vibrations?

The question is, “Are aliens causing vibrations?”

For many years, I’ve felt a vibration under my feet when just standing still.

Although only for a couple of seconds, there was no doubt in my mind that it was coming from beneath the surface of the ground and was not caused by heavy traffic.

Not only have I experienced vibrations on pavements, but even inside my home, on one of the floors of a multi-story car park and from the second floor of a hospital.

So, what’s causing these vibrations?

Or could it be a misdirected vibration, where it’s really coming from the Troposphere?

Well, whatever the cause let’s hope it’s not the vibration of a gigantic sink hole!

But hey, I’m not expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 8 January 2018

Do Robotic Bee’s Exist?

The question is, “Do Robotic Bee’s Exist?”

Inspired by insects, it appears that researchers have designed a robotic bee, named ‘RoboBee.’

Not only can it fly, dive and swim but it can also launch itself out of the water.

Although the capabilities are on a tiny scale, it’s incredible that this tiny robotic insect can do these things.

What next?

Maybe the researchers could scale up and create a robotic machine the size of a jumbo jet, that could do similar things.

With robotic technology moving so fast, and with robots in high demand to aid defence, space exploration etc. I expect that this is just a small part of what’s already out there.

Now I’m not saying it’s not great what these robotic researchers can create a working being from nothing, but once these robots can think for themselves then we’re gonna be in serious trouble.

For I believe that one day, robots will lead and humans will follow.

But hey, I’m no robotics expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 30 October 2017

Are Bot Flies An Alien Species?

The question is, “Are Bot flies an alien species?”

I watched a documentary a few months ago about Bot fly larva and it was an eye opener.

The Bot fly is as big as a bumble bee, but it has a very cunning way of distributing its eggs.

I watched it grab a fly, and after putting its eggs onto it the fly was released to do its dirty deeds.

When the fly landed, the larva attracted by the heat of the host would drop off onto the host and burrow under the skin. The host could be anything warm bodied, animal or human.

After six weeks it became a maggot and would eat its way out dropping to the ground before becoming an adult fly, where the process would repeat itself.

The worse thing was the size of the maggot and the hole left by the Bot fly. I watched as they pulled one out of someone’s head. This time the host was a man and not an animal.

The way the Bot fly and its larva behave tell me that they’re in survival mode.

So, is it possible that Bot flies are an alien species?

If you watch one in action they’re very smart, they use mosquitos and flies as their carriers, and survive by eating animal and human flesh until their emergence, ready to repeat the cycle.

But hey I’m no fly expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 16 October 2017

Are Alien’s Communicating With Us?

The question is, “Are alien’s communicating with us?”

In August 2017, some strange signals were picked up from a distant galaxy that astronomers labelled FRB 121102.

These short fast radio bursts commonly known as FRBs had first been detected in 2001, and then again in 2015.

However, the experts claim they have no idea of what’s actually causing them.

All they know is that these radio signals are powerful and super-fast and come from a distant corner of the universe.

Currently all the experts can do is keep monitoring them.

So, is it possible that these signals are meant for other aliens?

It could be a galactic welcome or a warning not to land on their world?

For I believe alien technology is so much more advanced than ours, that if they truly wanted to get in touch with us it wouldn’t be through a short radio burst.

But hey, I’m no astronomer, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 19 June 2017

Does Space Plankton Exist?

The question is, “Does Space Plankton Exist?”
Our seas are magnificent and so is the universe.
Although we sail in ships and dive to the bottom of our oceans in submarines there’s still plenty of ocean surface that lays undiscovered.
Under a microscope sea water brings many surprises with unusual looking plants and animals. Some are known to us whilst there are some that are not. Either way we call them Plankton.
Now with this in mind although there’s still much more to discover under the oceans humans don’t want to pursue it. Their interest appears to be more focused on space and I don’t mean an empty space but the universe type space.
Now this is only my opinion, but isn’t it possible that there are invisible lifeforms that are similar to plankton that swim continuously within the darkness of space in-between the planets?
Basically, ‘Space Plankton,’ for I believe that something lives there it’s just that we don’t know it yet.
It’s been proven here on Earth that creatures can survive in extreme weather so why should space be any different.
But hey I’m no scientist it’s just my theory, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 12 June 2017

Are Sea Cucumbers Clones?

The question is, “Are Sea Cucumber’s clones?”

I don’t know if you know this but a sea cucumber is a scavenger that eats algae and waste particles and can grow up to three feet long.

If you cut one in half it becomes two separate sea cucumbers.

The more pieces you cut out of a sea cucumber, the more individual live sea cucumbers are created.

So, with this in mind is it possible that they were all cloned from the first ever sea cucumber?

Interesting ah?

I read that they can be eaten in a soup, in a stew or even stuffed with meat, however I’ve never tried one and I’m not likely too either.

These amazing creatures are doing a great job keeping the algae levels down and their regeneration skills are basically out of this world, literally.

For all we know this creature could have come from another planet bought to Earth on the back of a meteorite that crashed landed into our ocean.

Buy hey, what do I know I’m not a marine biologist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 5 June 2017

Are Headaches Caused By Aliens?

The question is, “Are headaches caused by aliens?”

With between 80-90% of the population suffering from a tension headache during their life is it possible that it’s caused by aliens?

I say this because there appears to be much more alien activity on our planet.
UFO’s are continuously spotted all over the world. Radio signals have been transmitted from the Black Knight Satellites orbiting Earth to Earths surface.

With so many transmissions bombarding the surface of our planet could it be these that trigger the pain?

Or could it be that the aliens that live amongst us emit a frequency from their auras that affect our own that leads to a headache? For all we know, just being close to an alien could bring on an attack.

So could it be possible that our brain waves are being attacked because we’ve got too close and they feel threatened? Basically a defence mechanism that can cause pain or discomfort that prevents us from working or doing the simplest of tasks.

Buy hey I’m no scientist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 29 May 2017

Should Humans Colonise Mars?

The question is, “Should humans colonise Mars?”

In the mid 2030’s they hope to send humans to Mars. The idea is to colonise it.

Initially I thought it was a one way ticket, but a space shuttle to Mars will take 1.6 years to arrive and they intend to send others every 26 months so you’ll be able to return to Earth at some point to see your loved ones.

Now that’s all well and good but first they’d need a lot of money to continue the project, secondly they’d have to have enough skilled personal to work precise and at speed especially if they intend on building and sending a shuttle craft to Mars every 26 months.

Also recruiting and training new astronaut’s costs money too. However I suppose it would alleviate the population, housing and benefit issues on Earth, especially if half of Earth’s population was on Mars.

I can just imagine the amount of advertising that’s going to be spent to entice the young people to Mars.  

Just remember not everything you read or hear is the truth. With so much fake news going around you don’t know the truth anymore. So before you take a once in a lifetime trip to Mars just remember everyone knows how to use, “Photoshop!” 

I rest my case.

Buy hey I’m only human, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 15 May 2017

What Is Pandora?

The question is, “What is Pandora?”

This is the name given to a giant virus found underwater in Chile and Australia.

Named the Pandoravirus it’s ten times larger than other viruses.

Scientists claim that only 6% of its genes have been seen on Earth, so where does the rest come from?

It’s claimed that this virus came from Mars which is plausible except that we don’t know for sure. China’s planning to take its first return mission by 2030 so we may find out then.

But if it’s confirmed that it did originate from Mars then that would suggest it’s extraterrestrial and could be a danger to us.

However with that said isn’t it possible that the virus has already been circulated by the oceans and sea creatures, for as I first mentioned it’s been found in both Chile and Australia that’s separated by an ocean only 12,726 km apart and if land creatures eat the sea creatures contaminated with the virus and man eats the animal that ate the sea creature than we are contaminated – see where I’m going with this?

Buy hey, I’m no scientist.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 8 May 2017

What’s The Black Knight Satellite?

The question is, “What’s the Black Knight Satellite?”

It’s an object that’s been orbiting Earth that transmits signals to Earth.

It’s around 13,000 years old. However its purpose is unknown.

This object was orbiting Earth prior to humans launched any man-made satellites of their own. Our first one was launched in 1954.

So what is it?

Is it a beacon of some kind that’s not only transmitting to Earth, but it’s also sending Earth’s co-ordinates to alien adventurers?

Or could the Egyptians have found a way to send a beacon into orbit? For as you know they have pyramids on other worlds!

Buy hey, I’m no scientist.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 1 May 2017

Who Is Ata?

The question is, “Who is Ata?”

In 2003 researchers discovered a skeleton that was 6-8 inches long in a Chilean Desert.

The most interesting thing of all was that it looked alien.

It had an elongated head, mature teeth and well developed bones. It also had nine ribs where we humans have 12 and scans revealed that its heart and lungs were still intact.

Well you can imagine the researchers surprise when it was declared human even though 9% of its DNA didn’t match our human genome.

Some believe it’s a deformed human especially as the bone structure was like that of a six year old child. But at 6-8 inches long this appears to be very interesting mystery.

So if Ata is human and 9% is of alien origin then could this be our missing evolutionary link? 

Now I'm no genius but if this is the case then it looks like our missing link is alien?

But hey I'm no archaeologist what do I know.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 6 March 2017

What's HD164595?

The question is, “What's HD164595?”

In August 2016 scientists were intrigued to find that signals were coming from a sun like star known to many as HD164595 although it had been noted that the Russians had detected the same signal the previous year.

A spike was detected in this star that’s about 95 light years away from Earth in the Hercules constellation.

So is this an alien civilization that’s trying to communicate with us, a rogue satellite that’s unexpectedly come back to life, or has Earth been communicating with aliens all along but it’s only now that it’s been noticed?

In my opinion whoever’s sending the signal is more intelligent then us Earthlings especially as they appear to have technology that’s so advanced that it can send a strong signal from a beacon 95 light years away that can be seen by us?

And to think I can’t even get a strong signal on Earth to use my mobile?

But hey I’m no scientist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 27 February 2017

What Is Skull Binding?

The question is, “What is Skull Binding?

I read an article about an ancient woman’s remains that’s estimated to be around 2,000 years old that had being discovered in central Russia’s Chelyabinsk region.

Scientists have dismissed the idea that this new discovery was of an alien female and suggest that her elongated skull was due to it being tied up.

Apparently this is what the tribes did to the children in those days. However there is no mention of any other remains found or if the same was done to the males.

Is it possible that the skull could be elongated at the time of birth whilst the babies’ soft spot on the head is still visible?

But wouldn’t the force of binding incur pain to the infant and possibly damage the brain if the skull was bound to elongate it?

Centuries ago Chinese women and young girls had their feet bound that kept them small. So with this in mind I don’t completely understand how a head becomes elongated and longer rather than smaller and shorter if bound?

The other thing that puzzles me is how do they know that this actually took place, are there records on this ancient tribe?

With no mention of rope or material fibres found should we believe everything we read?

What do you think?
Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 16 January 2017

What Are Geoglyphs?

The question is, “What Are Geoglyphs?”

Geoglyphs are huge images that were carved into the Peruvian desert by the ancient Nazca people in the first and sixth centuries. They were first spotted from the air in 1939.

These huge images were thought to be carved by removing the reddish brown stones that cover the surface which exposed a lighter colour underneath. The images are of animals, birds, insects, pottery, textiles, flowers, plants, trees, spirals, triangles and rectangles.

Experts believe that some geoglyphs lines were to be prayed and danced upon to ask for rain, where some could be of a more spiritual nature.

Although these huge images are visible from the foothills they are best viewed from the air, so with that in mind, who were they designed for?

With images so huge that can only really be seen from the air, my opinion is that they are landmarks that gave guidance to small aircraft's to possible landing sites.

Aviation technology advanced during the twentieth century, but we’re talking here about the first and sixth century when these drawings were first carved out!

In China 400 BCE which is the fourth century, a toy helicopter rotor called the Bamboo-copter and also known as the bamboo dragonfly or Chinese top was created. It was able to fly when its shaft was rapidly spun. This toy was introduced into Europe and made appearances in some paintings.

So armed with this information, could it be possible that aviation had been invented a lot earlier with the creation of a flying device that was inspired by the drawing of this Chinese helicopter toy?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton