Monday, 21 May 2018

Can VR Headsets Brainwash Us?

The question is, “Can VR headsets brainwash us?”

VR headsets what a great way to enjoy a game and for high tech firms to market future items.

With virtual reality becoming the new big thing in playing games and watching films it won’t be long before we get a free VR headset with a tv or broadband package.

So, have you ever tried the VR headsets?

I’ve not, but someone I know said that it’s so realistic you feel like you’re in the game.

He also said that after twenty minutes when he took off the headset it took him at least five minutes to get his balance back.

This all sounds great, so why do I have an eerie feeling that this will become a way of brainwashing.

Just think about it, anyone that uses a VR headset will become vulnerable.

As these become the norm to use and wear, we will undoubtedly get hackers or companies that will try to brain wash us or even re-programme our minds to a different way of thinking.

But we’ll never know until it becomes the rage and we’re all using them.

But hey I’m no VR expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

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