Showing posts with label Claire Freedman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Claire Freedman. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 November 2018

Spider Sandwiches

I read the children’s book called, ‘Spider Sandwiches.’

This children’s book was written by Claire Freedman and beautifully illustrated by Sue Hendra.

It’s a delightful rhyming children’s picture book that tells the tale of Max the monster and all the unusual foods he likes to eat.

But Max the monster likes eating things that we wouldn’t dream of eating.

With his best snack being a spider sandwich that consists of spider web and all, it’s completely yucky!

So, if you like monsters and yucky foods this is the book for you.

A great rhyming picture book for children, it’s colourful and fun.

So, why not read the book or watch the story on YouTube, then you can tell me what you think?

It’s a great book that all young children will enjoy.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Do All Aliens Love Underpants?

I read the book ‘Aliens Love Underpants’ which was written by Claire Freedman, with illustrations by Ben Cort.

It’s a delightful story about aliens that come to Earth and steal Earthling’s underpants.

They have fun with the underpants and particularly like the elastic.

They sound like a very strange bunch indeed!

My view is that it would be difficult for aliens to steal underpants from my washing line as I haven’t got one; I use a dryer.

It’s definitely worth reading, young children will like it.

My final thought on this book is that it’s a fun book about aliens who like playing with pants.

But remember bring your washing in at night to stop your underpants from going missing!

Read it now and tell me what you think?