“Andy Go Joe and The GOGO Games,” was written by Charmain Ingleton and illustrated by Severino Ribecca.
This delightful 26-paged children’s picture book tells
the tale of Andy Go Joe and an unusual garden tournament.
When Andy Go Joe and his friends were in the garden
thinking of things to do, suddenly as if by magic they come up with the
brilliant idea to compete against each other.
With a number of show-stopping events; a bike race, a
long jump and a banana relay they called it the ‘GOGO Games.’
However, a mystery occurs when the banana in the relay
What happened to the banana?
It looks as though the GOGO Games will turn out to be
quite extraordinary after all!
Why not follow the Amazon link to purchase your copy of
this unusual banana relay mystery and find out what happens in the end;
It’s a great book for young children that encourages friendship, fun, sports and competition.
Charmain Ingleton