Showing posts with label The Giant Jam Sandwich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Giant Jam Sandwich. Show all posts

Sunday, 5 June 2016

A Jam And Wasp Sandwich?

I read the children’s book called, ‘The Giant Jam Sandwich,’ the other afternoon.

The story and pictures were by John Vernon Lord, with verses by Janet Burroway.

It’s a beautifully illustrated children’s book about a town called Itching Down and a plague of wasps.

When four million wasps flew into Itching Down the villages don’t know what to do.

Then one day Bap the Baker suggests they make a giant jam sandwich to entice and trap the pesky wasps and rescue their town.

It’s a great book that tells the wonderful story of how the villagers work together to rid their town of the nasty pests.

I’d recommend reading with young children; it encourages team work and shows how to make a jam sandwich, yummy!

So read it now or watch it on YouTube and tell me what you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton