Showing posts with label Mutation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mutation. Show all posts

Monday, 2 January 2017

Do Viruses Come From Space?

The question is, “Do viruses come from space?”

It’s said that comet and meteorite impacts made life on earth.

So with that in mind isn’t it possible that they’re also destroying us too?

Is sickness or ill health created by our own life styles, or from something more sinister?

For I’ve observed that we have many illnesses on our planet, some incurable.

Pharmaceutical companies make a mint by producing cures in one form or another and if you can afford to pay for them you will, but there’s never a guarantee that they’d work.

Now I’m no scientist but I had a thought that these could be caused by one of two things;

Either an unscrupulous company had created and spread a new virus in order to receive funding for research.

Or microscopic bacteria had landed and thrived on planet Earth. Then when the conditions were right the spores dispersed across the world making contact with birds and wildlife.

Where upon sniffing or eating the spore it remained dormant within the animal until eaten by us humans; then mutation would begin the start of an incurable illness or defect that could be spread throughout generations.

Hey but that’s just my theory as I’m no scientist. Anyway let me know what you think.

Author: Charmain Ingleton