Showing posts with label Mankind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mankind. Show all posts

Monday, 19 February 2018

Did Egyptians Build A Pyramid In Japan?

The question is, “Did Egyptians build a pyramid in Japan?”

Surprisingly, there is a mysterious pyramid estimated to be 10,000 years old that lies on the southern coast of Yonaguni, Japan.

Some scientists claim that the large blocks had formed naturally due to tectonic movement, whilst others believe that an ancient civilization had existed with these being the remnants.

So, however this structure came to be, it’s interesting to me that it’s beneath the ocean, and not on land.

However, I don’t believe that tectonic plate movement created a pyramid. Just check out the perfect pyramid shaped rock formation.

I do believe that tectonic plate movement caused the pyramid to be claimed by the sea, but that it was built by an ancient civilization.

But hey, I’m no archaeologist.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 12 February 2018

Are There Aliens In Our Oceans?

The question is, “Are there aliens in our oceans?”

With man wanting to venture upwards to the stars it makes me wonder why they don’t want to venture below the waves.

So, I’d say the answer to the question, is yes.

Are researchers and scientists afraid to delve deeper below the surface to find out what’s down there, or do they know something but aren’t telling us?

Could it be that they’re trying to protect us from the truth, or to what’s really in our oceans?

I think not, with satellites that can zoom to ground level, and equipment that’s been used to show underground ruins, I find it hard to believe that someone hasn’t got evidence of what’s in our oceans.

But hey, I’m no scientist.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 5 February 2018

What Is Our Reality?

The question is, “What is our reality?”

Have you ever closed your eyes and shortly after, seen a bright white light; almost spiritual like?

Experts say that this can indicate vitreous detachment where the vitreous gel separates from the retina.

I would agree with the experts if it wasn’t for the fact, that when I’ve experienced this bright white light I’ve also see moving images; a dream in HD, high definition.

In fact, the picture quality is so much better when my eyes are closed than when they’re open.

So, could what we experience in sleep be our true reality?

If so, does that mean we’re in a dream when awake? For some do say that we make our own reality.

So, if this is truly the case then we all have the ability to change our reality with our positive thoughts. So, what are you waiting for?

But hey I’m no expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 8 January 2018

Do Robotic Bee’s Exist?

The question is, “Do Robotic Bee’s Exist?”

Inspired by insects, it appears that researchers have designed a robotic bee, named ‘RoboBee.’

Not only can it fly, dive and swim but it can also launch itself out of the water.

Although the capabilities are on a tiny scale, it’s incredible that this tiny robotic insect can do these things.

What next?

Maybe the researchers could scale up and create a robotic machine the size of a jumbo jet, that could do similar things.

With robotic technology moving so fast, and with robots in high demand to aid defence, space exploration etc. I expect that this is just a small part of what’s already out there.

Now I’m not saying it’s not great what these robotic researchers can create a working being from nothing, but once these robots can think for themselves then we’re gonna be in serious trouble.

For I believe that one day, robots will lead and humans will follow.

But hey, I’m no robotics expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 1 January 2018

What’s A Fungus Eating Plastic Called?

The question is, “What’s a fungus eating plastic called?”

We generate several tons of waste a day and plastic’s the major pollutant and cannot be broken break down easily or in an environmental friendly way.

However, the answer to rid ourselves of this plastic pollutant may here already, as samples taken from a rubbish dump outside Islamabad in Pakistan showed a soil fungus feeding on plastic.

It’s called ‘Aspergillus Tubingensis.’

A fungus that lives in soil that seems to have a taste for plastic.

This is great news for the planet, but let’s hope it doesn’t get a taste for rubber.

“Great, there goes my wheels.”  (tyres for those who don’t get it)

It makes you wonder what the other funguses eat?

So, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 18 December 2017

Do Transformer Robots Exist?

The question is, “Do transform robots exist?”

The answer to that question is yes, but only in a tiny format.

Created by MIT and inspired by Origami.

A tiny robot can change exoskeletons to move about. It can roll, walk, float and even glide.

It’s a great piece of technology, that could be used in space.

I hope that one-day similar technology in implemented in our homes.

Just think how handy it would be to have one piece of equipment in the kitchen that can transform from an oven to washing machine, or the bed transforming into a wardrobe.

Now that would be really neat and space saving.

So, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 11 December 2017

Can Black Holes Merge?

The question is, “Can black holes merge?”

The answer to that question is yes, for in 2015 ripples were detected in the universe.

Astronomers then discovered signals coming from pairs of black holes that appeared to be colliding and merging together. Once merged it’ll create a black hole between twenty to fifty times larger than the sun.

“Oh No!”

Fortunately, it can’t harm us or our planet.

However, if Earth was to be pulled into one in the future, would our planet survive?

The experts say not, but they’ve never got close enough to even send a probe into one.

So, at the moment it’s all speculation.

For all we know these black holes could be portals or short cuts to other galaxies.

Once we get up to speed with space travel, then we’ll find out, but until then the experts can only speculate.

But hey I’m no scientist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 4 December 2017

Can A Magnet Field Shield Aliens?

The question is, “Can a Magnet Field Shield Aliens?”

A new study showed that the moon’s magnet field lasted one billion years longer than the experts first thought.

So, firstly what does the magnetic field do?

In the case of Earth’s magnetic field. It deflects radiation that’s emitted by the sun’s rays.

So, how do aliens come into it, you may ask?

A good question. The experts believe that other planets that have magnet fields, are concealing alien life forms.

Which I believe is correct, especially as our magnet field’s not shielding us from alien visitors?

With more and more sightings of UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects) and now with USO’s (Unidentified Submerged Objects) the aliens sure know of our existence.

But hey I’m not an expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 27 November 2017

Are Robots To Be Morphed?

The question is, “Are robots to be morphed?”

I read an article that stated that researchers are looking to combine robots to create a new type of robot that are autonomous and can control themselves and work in teams.

Now I don’t know about you, but robots scare me.

I’ve watched the Terminator movie and look how that ended!

I understand tech and robotics companies want to grow their business and ideas to create the next new thing on the block but to go from science fiction to science fact, worries me.

In twenty years from now who knows, these megabots could be programming their own CPU themselves, without human assistance.

Remember the more they learn the less they can be controlled, and when that happens the human race will be doomed.

But hey I’m no robotics expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 20 November 2017

What’s A Megabot?

The question is, “What’s a Megabot?”

Researchers have created autonomous motor robots.

As these robots can control themselves like for example some of these wireless vacuum cleaners, they have now decided to make one, they call a Megabot.

Fiction is now becoming fact, as they plan to have Megabots that can do more than one thing rather than have lots of robots doing individual things.

These giant robots called Megabots are the future.

But should we worry?

As these powerful Megabot transformer type robots start coming onto the high streets and into our homes how safe will they really be.

For if their central processing unit (CPU) blows a fuse couldn’t they be a danger to us?

Who knows only the future will tell.

But hey I’m no researcher, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 13 November 2017

Why Do AI’s Need Human Teachers?

The question is, “Why do AI’s need human teachers?”

Professionals are helping big tech companies in contributing to the AI’s intelligence by adding their specialised area in that subject.

By doing this an AI will be able to learn more from a person’s experience this I believe will be added to the AI’s central processing unit (CPU).

The more data the AI can capture, the better its knowledge of humans and their capabilities.

However, this could be dangerous in the future?

For I believe that if an AI learns too much about humanity, it wouldn’t take long before it took control over its own destiny, and there wouldn’t be any way to stop them.

For as they learn and evolve they would’ve already overcome our primitive fail safes.

Hi-tech companies, the creators, are potentially creating something that’s even more intelligent and powerful than all of us put together.

So, do AI’s need teachers, or maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all.

But hey I’m no technician, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 6 November 2017

Are There Diamonds on Uranus?

The question is, “Are there diamonds on Uranus?”

Apparently, there are huge ones.

Scientific researchers experimented in a lab under conditions thought to be that of Uranus.

When they saw the results of this experiment they were surprised that teeny tiny gems had been produced.

The process might appear quite simple, but researchers had to re-create the icy conditions of a whole planet with intense temperature changes, and that’s no small task.

Now we’ve learnt that Uranus has some mighty big crystals.

So, what can we do about it?

Absolutely nothing, but who knows one day in the future we will take our place to fly within the stars, and maybe then if Uranus has oxygen we can visit and see the diamonds for ourselves.

Until then, lets enjoy the diamonds in the sky that we know as stars.

But hey I’m no scientific researcher, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 30 October 2017

Are Bot Flies An Alien Species?

The question is, “Are Bot flies an alien species?”

I watched a documentary a few months ago about Bot fly larva and it was an eye opener.

The Bot fly is as big as a bumble bee, but it has a very cunning way of distributing its eggs.

I watched it grab a fly, and after putting its eggs onto it the fly was released to do its dirty deeds.

When the fly landed, the larva attracted by the heat of the host would drop off onto the host and burrow under the skin. The host could be anything warm bodied, animal or human.

After six weeks it became a maggot and would eat its way out dropping to the ground before becoming an adult fly, where the process would repeat itself.

The worse thing was the size of the maggot and the hole left by the Bot fly. I watched as they pulled one out of someone’s head. This time the host was a man and not an animal.

The way the Bot fly and its larva behave tell me that they’re in survival mode.

So, is it possible that Bot flies are an alien species?

If you watch one in action they’re very smart, they use mosquitos and flies as their carriers, and survive by eating animal and human flesh until their emergence, ready to repeat the cycle.

But hey I’m no fly expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 23 October 2017

Are Robot Stretchers Reliable?

The question is, “Are robot stretchers reliable?”

In September 2017, we learnt that BAE Systems had designed a robot stretcher that can remove a wounded soldier from the battlefield.

This electric powered vehicle is unmanned, driven remotely by wireless remote control.

Eventually it will be fitted with artificial intelligence, like a GPS I suppose. This will allow the vehicle to navigate the battlefield, surprisingly all on its own.

So, how reliable will these robot stretchers be?

For with any electrical item this too will need charging, but if someone forgets to charge it, that’s going to be a problem.

It’s also a problem if it runs over a landmine and can’t finish its rescue mission, or worse still if this was to happen when its carrying a wounded soldier.

In the future, they plan to fit it with bomb disposal equipment, cameras for missions, or even a machine gun.

So, with regard to all of the above, how can they prevent the programme from being corrupted or worse still, controlled by a different remote handler that gets onto the same frequency?

But hey, I’m no expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 16 October 2017

Are Alien’s Communicating With Us?

The question is, “Are alien’s communicating with us?”

In August 2017, some strange signals were picked up from a distant galaxy that astronomers labelled FRB 121102.

These short fast radio bursts commonly known as FRBs had first been detected in 2001, and then again in 2015.

However, the experts claim they have no idea of what’s actually causing them.

All they know is that these radio signals are powerful and super-fast and come from a distant corner of the universe.

Currently all the experts can do is keep monitoring them.

So, is it possible that these signals are meant for other aliens?

It could be a galactic welcome or a warning not to land on their world?

For I believe alien technology is so much more advanced than ours, that if they truly wanted to get in touch with us it wouldn’t be through a short radio burst.

But hey, I’m no astronomer, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 16 January 2017

What Are Geoglyphs?

The question is, “What Are Geoglyphs?”

Geoglyphs are huge images that were carved into the Peruvian desert by the ancient Nazca people in the first and sixth centuries. They were first spotted from the air in 1939.

These huge images were thought to be carved by removing the reddish brown stones that cover the surface which exposed a lighter colour underneath. The images are of animals, birds, insects, pottery, textiles, flowers, plants, trees, spirals, triangles and rectangles.

Experts believe that some geoglyphs lines were to be prayed and danced upon to ask for rain, where some could be of a more spiritual nature.

Although these huge images are visible from the foothills they are best viewed from the air, so with that in mind, who were they designed for?

With images so huge that can only really be seen from the air, my opinion is that they are landmarks that gave guidance to small aircraft's to possible landing sites.

Aviation technology advanced during the twentieth century, but we’re talking here about the first and sixth century when these drawings were first carved out!

In China 400 BCE which is the fourth century, a toy helicopter rotor called the Bamboo-copter and also known as the bamboo dragonfly or Chinese top was created. It was able to fly when its shaft was rapidly spun. This toy was introduced into Europe and made appearances in some paintings.

So armed with this information, could it be possible that aviation had been invented a lot earlier with the creation of a flying device that was inspired by the drawing of this Chinese helicopter toy?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 2 January 2017

Do Viruses Come From Space?

The question is, “Do viruses come from space?”

It’s said that comet and meteorite impacts made life on earth.

So with that in mind isn’t it possible that they’re also destroying us too?

Is sickness or ill health created by our own life styles, or from something more sinister?

For I’ve observed that we have many illnesses on our planet, some incurable.

Pharmaceutical companies make a mint by producing cures in one form or another and if you can afford to pay for them you will, but there’s never a guarantee that they’d work.

Now I’m no scientist but I had a thought that these could be caused by one of two things;

Either an unscrupulous company had created and spread a new virus in order to receive funding for research.

Or microscopic bacteria had landed and thrived on planet Earth. Then when the conditions were right the spores dispersed across the world making contact with birds and wildlife.

Where upon sniffing or eating the spore it remained dormant within the animal until eaten by us humans; then mutation would begin the start of an incurable illness or defect that could be spread throughout generations.

Hey but that’s just my theory as I’m no scientist. Anyway let me know what you think.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 19 December 2016

Are We Ready For Space?

The question is, “Are we ready for Space?”

I understand there’s always the race to be first to go into space to do what no other has done before, but then what?

What is the aim?

Is it to capture and lay claim to a planet?

Then there’s security. How do you secure it from being invaded by another species?

All I see is one big headache.

I believe before we venture into space we should fully explore and unlock the mysteries on our own planet first, for example the oceans and South Pole.

But hey that’s just my opinion.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 12 December 2016

Are Obelisks Beacons?

The question is, “Are Obelisks Beacons?”

First of all do you know what an Obelisk is?

An Obelisk is a monolithic stone monument that has four sides with inscriptions made from one piece of stone. There’s usually a pyramidion (a pyramid shape) at the top that’s often topped with gold, or an alloy called electrum.

These were always placed in pairs by the ancient Egyptians at the entrances of their temples; associated with the Egyptian sun god, the rays of the sun increased in width as it reached the Earth.

So with this knowledge, is it possible that the rays of light from the pyramidion acted like beacons to show a landing site or flight path on Earth to those in space?

And as with many historical objects discovered that are now dispersed across the world, maybe with regard to the Obelisks we’ve made it easier for space travellers by mapping out our planet.

But hey what do I know I’m not a scientist.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 7 November 2016

Do Space Angels Exist?

The question is, “Do Space Angels Exist?”

I watched a short documentary the other evening about the Russian cosmonauts who were aboard the space station Salyut 7.

In July 1984 it was reported by the Russian cosmonauts that an orange light flooded the space station. They thought it was an explosion, when they looked out the portholes they saw winged entities with human features. Their wings flapped as they hovered just outside the space station.

In July 1984 this information was not made public, and was said at the time that the cosmonauts saw either a satellite moving across giving the appearance of an angel or they were hallucinating.

However the problem with that theory is that unless there were seven satellites moving at the same time close to the space station then it dismisses that idea; as apparently they had seen seven hovering angels with faces?

Now I’m not a scientist or cosmonaut but I do believe in angels.

For these entities to show themselves to the crew I believe they were making it known to them that they were being protected.

But that’s only my opinion, so what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton