Showing posts with label Extinction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Extinction. Show all posts

Monday, 8 January 2018

Do Robotic Bee’s Exist?

The question is, “Do Robotic Bee’s Exist?”

Inspired by insects, it appears that researchers have designed a robotic bee, named ‘RoboBee.’

Not only can it fly, dive and swim but it can also launch itself out of the water.

Although the capabilities are on a tiny scale, it’s incredible that this tiny robotic insect can do these things.

What next?

Maybe the researchers could scale up and create a robotic machine the size of a jumbo jet, that could do similar things.

With robotic technology moving so fast, and with robots in high demand to aid defence, space exploration etc. I expect that this is just a small part of what’s already out there.

Now I’m not saying it’s not great what these robotic researchers can create a working being from nothing, but once these robots can think for themselves then we’re gonna be in serious trouble.

For I believe that one day, robots will lead and humans will follow.

But hey, I’m no robotics expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 1 January 2018

What’s A Fungus Eating Plastic Called?

The question is, “What’s a fungus eating plastic called?”

We generate several tons of waste a day and plastic’s the major pollutant and cannot be broken break down easily or in an environmental friendly way.

However, the answer to rid ourselves of this plastic pollutant may here already, as samples taken from a rubbish dump outside Islamabad in Pakistan showed a soil fungus feeding on plastic.

It’s called ‘Aspergillus Tubingensis.’

A fungus that lives in soil that seems to have a taste for plastic.

This is great news for the planet, but let’s hope it doesn’t get a taste for rubber.

“Great, there goes my wheels.”  (tyres for those who don’t get it)

It makes you wonder what the other funguses eat?

So, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 18 December 2017

Do Transformer Robots Exist?

The question is, “Do transform robots exist?”

The answer to that question is yes, but only in a tiny format.

Created by MIT and inspired by Origami.

A tiny robot can change exoskeletons to move about. It can roll, walk, float and even glide.

It’s a great piece of technology, that could be used in space.

I hope that one-day similar technology in implemented in our homes.

Just think how handy it would be to have one piece of equipment in the kitchen that can transform from an oven to washing machine, or the bed transforming into a wardrobe.

Now that would be really neat and space saving.

So, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 11 December 2017

Can Black Holes Merge?

The question is, “Can black holes merge?”

The answer to that question is yes, for in 2015 ripples were detected in the universe.

Astronomers then discovered signals coming from pairs of black holes that appeared to be colliding and merging together. Once merged it’ll create a black hole between twenty to fifty times larger than the sun.

“Oh No!”

Fortunately, it can’t harm us or our planet.

However, if Earth was to be pulled into one in the future, would our planet survive?

The experts say not, but they’ve never got close enough to even send a probe into one.

So, at the moment it’s all speculation.

For all we know these black holes could be portals or short cuts to other galaxies.

Once we get up to speed with space travel, then we’ll find out, but until then the experts can only speculate.

But hey I’m no scientist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 4 December 2017

Can A Magnet Field Shield Aliens?

The question is, “Can a Magnet Field Shield Aliens?”

A new study showed that the moon’s magnet field lasted one billion years longer than the experts first thought.

So, firstly what does the magnetic field do?

In the case of Earth’s magnetic field. It deflects radiation that’s emitted by the sun’s rays.

So, how do aliens come into it, you may ask?

A good question. The experts believe that other planets that have magnet fields, are concealing alien life forms.

Which I believe is correct, especially as our magnet field’s not shielding us from alien visitors?

With more and more sightings of UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects) and now with USO’s (Unidentified Submerged Objects) the aliens sure know of our existence.

But hey I’m not an expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 27 November 2017

Are Robots To Be Morphed?

The question is, “Are robots to be morphed?”

I read an article that stated that researchers are looking to combine robots to create a new type of robot that are autonomous and can control themselves and work in teams.

Now I don’t know about you, but robots scare me.

I’ve watched the Terminator movie and look how that ended!

I understand tech and robotics companies want to grow their business and ideas to create the next new thing on the block but to go from science fiction to science fact, worries me.

In twenty years from now who knows, these megabots could be programming their own CPU themselves, without human assistance.

Remember the more they learn the less they can be controlled, and when that happens the human race will be doomed.

But hey I’m no robotics expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 3 July 2017

What’s Causing The Ice Caps To Melt?

The question is, “What’s causing the ice caps to melt?”

I’ve heard that the ice caps are melting due to climate change.

Now climate change is the increase in greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane that’s in the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Scientists claim it’s caused by burning fossil fuels and deforestation which evidently is caused by human activity. However, I believe that erupting volcanoes have also contributed to this issue.

Then there’s the visitors from out of space. Now I’m sure that their space craft emissions are also contributing to this too. Maybe someone should have a word!

“Prevention rather than cure,” is my motto.

But anyways it doesn’t matter who’s causing it. If this was as urgent as the scientists claim then why have no drastic measures been put in place.

Across the globe there should be a total ban on tree felling, the burning, of coal, wood or any other material and no more petrol or diesel vehicles. We should all be using solar powered or electric vehicles by now especially in this new age of technology.

So why are we still living in the past?

But hey I’m no scientist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 26 June 2017

If Earth Evolves, Can We Adapt?

The question is, “If Earth Evolves, Can We Adapt?”

It’s said that we are in the midst of climate change. We’ve all experienced unusual weather patterns at some point in our life.
On some occasions in the UK, we’ve experienced a few different seasons in one day; from sun, followed by rain then sleet or snow. Some countries suffer extreme weather conditions, flooding, drought, tornados.

So, is climate change really causing this extreme weather or is our planet evolving?

With the Moon moving away from us by four centimetres each year and the Earth’s rotation slowing down, what will happen next?
Nobody knows, but one thing’s for sure humans are great with adapting to any given situation.

So, with that in mind could humans evolve?

I believe so as our survival instinct is strong, it’s just that we haven’t had to use it yet. But hey, that’s just my opinion, what do you think?
Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 19 June 2017

Does Space Plankton Exist?

The question is, “Does Space Plankton Exist?”
Our seas are magnificent and so is the universe.
Although we sail in ships and dive to the bottom of our oceans in submarines there’s still plenty of ocean surface that lays undiscovered.
Under a microscope sea water brings many surprises with unusual looking plants and animals. Some are known to us whilst there are some that are not. Either way we call them Plankton.
Now with this in mind although there’s still much more to discover under the oceans humans don’t want to pursue it. Their interest appears to be more focused on space and I don’t mean an empty space but the universe type space.
Now this is only my opinion, but isn’t it possible that there are invisible lifeforms that are similar to plankton that swim continuously within the darkness of space in-between the planets?
Basically, ‘Space Plankton,’ for I believe that something lives there it’s just that we don’t know it yet.
It’s been proven here on Earth that creatures can survive in extreme weather so why should space be any different.
But hey I’m no scientist it’s just my theory, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 12 June 2017

Are Sea Cucumbers Clones?

The question is, “Are Sea Cucumber’s clones?”

I don’t know if you know this but a sea cucumber is a scavenger that eats algae and waste particles and can grow up to three feet long.

If you cut one in half it becomes two separate sea cucumbers.

The more pieces you cut out of a sea cucumber, the more individual live sea cucumbers are created.

So, with this in mind is it possible that they were all cloned from the first ever sea cucumber?

Interesting ah?

I read that they can be eaten in a soup, in a stew or even stuffed with meat, however I’ve never tried one and I’m not likely too either.

These amazing creatures are doing a great job keeping the algae levels down and their regeneration skills are basically out of this world, literally.

For all we know this creature could have come from another planet bought to Earth on the back of a meteorite that crashed landed into our ocean.

Buy hey, what do I know I’m not a marine biologist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 9 January 2017

Is Earth A School?

The question is, “Is Earth a School?”

Look around, what do you see?

Humans have built structures and houses but beyond that what else do you know?

Scientists give us facts on things that we don’t necessarily understand, but the realisation is that these are sometimes just theories.

Now I’m no scientist but it’s always puzzled me why we don’t find dinosaur bones or even human bones when digging up the garden. However it was explained to me that human bones are buried very deeply and that the dinosaurs were obliterated when the comet struck.

Somehow I think that’s only partly true as for centuries we have been burying people underground so this planet must be covered with bones. Anyway regarding the dinosaur bones have you ever wondered how it’s possible to find a full skeletal of a larger species of dinosaur that’s now exhibited if the larger species at that time had been obliterated? It makes no sense to me.

Could it have been placed there for us to find?

Now I know this may sound crazy but I have a theory, that Earth is not just a planet that we live on, it’s also our school, a place for our species to learn. 

So isn’t it possible based on my theory that what we discover on Earth, objects items or structures are for us as humans to research and educate our minds?

With discoveries of dinosaur bones, crystal skulls, and unusual underground structures together with unusual UFO sightings, etc, don’t you sense that some of these things have been placed deliberately in order to be discovered?

Maybe I’m wrong, but if I’m right, what are we being schooled for and by whom?

But hey that’s just my theory, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 2 January 2017

Do Viruses Come From Space?

The question is, “Do viruses come from space?”

It’s said that comet and meteorite impacts made life on earth.

So with that in mind isn’t it possible that they’re also destroying us too?

Is sickness or ill health created by our own life styles, or from something more sinister?

For I’ve observed that we have many illnesses on our planet, some incurable.

Pharmaceutical companies make a mint by producing cures in one form or another and if you can afford to pay for them you will, but there’s never a guarantee that they’d work.

Now I’m no scientist but I had a thought that these could be caused by one of two things;

Either an unscrupulous company had created and spread a new virus in order to receive funding for research.

Or microscopic bacteria had landed and thrived on planet Earth. Then when the conditions were right the spores dispersed across the world making contact with birds and wildlife.

Where upon sniffing or eating the spore it remained dormant within the animal until eaten by us humans; then mutation would begin the start of an incurable illness or defect that could be spread throughout generations.

Hey but that’s just my theory as I’m no scientist. Anyway let me know what you think.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 19 December 2016

Are We Ready For Space?

The question is, “Are we ready for Space?”

I understand there’s always the race to be first to go into space to do what no other has done before, but then what?

What is the aim?

Is it to capture and lay claim to a planet?

Then there’s security. How do you secure it from being invaded by another species?

All I see is one big headache.

I believe before we venture into space we should fully explore and unlock the mysteries on our own planet first, for example the oceans and South Pole.

But hey that’s just my opinion.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 31 October 2016

Is Hinkley Point C - Motherboard In Disguise?

The question is, “Is Hinkley Point C, a motherboard in disguise?”

I saw an aerial view of Hinkley Point C nuclear power station at a few weeks ago.

It instantly reminded me of a motherboard.

There were similarities in the design which got me thinking.

Simply; as a motherboard is a printed circuit board that allows computer hardware components to communicate with each other, then is Hinkley Point C doing the same thing but on a larger scale.

How do we know that this structure is not a motherboard in disguise that’s already communicating with other worlds?

It may appear to be just another structure but you never know the truth until something goes terribly wrong.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 24 October 2016

Did Giants Exist?

The question is, “Did Giants Exist?”

In countries all over the world human skeletons have been found from between 10 and 17 feet tall, some dating back 300,000 years.

However although giant human skeletons had been recovered, they were not found on mass.

If these beings came after the demise of the Dinosaurs, then how did that happen?

Some scientists claim that the first link to humanity started six millions years go with a primate group called “Ardipithecus,” as these began walking upright.

Now I’m not a scientist but could primates evolve from a small mammal that lived underground?

Maybe I’m not seeing the big picture, but I believe giants existed, how they came to be interests me immensely.

Logic indicates that it was these giants that built these huge ancient monuments, pyramids and structures, however without documentation marked in stone they have been forgotten, known only as a myth or fantasy.

But hey that’s just my theory, so what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 26 September 2016

Are Morning Glory Clouds Safe?

The question is, “Are Morning Glory Clouds Safe?”

Have you ever seen a picture of the morning glory clouds?

They are rolls of clouds that give the appearance of rolling for up to 1000 kilometres at a speed of up to 60 kilometres per hour.

They are unusual, magnificent and scary to look at, but what causes them?

The theory is that it’s associated with high humidity and sea breezes, but nothing is factual as after all it is only a theory and could be caused by other things, for example; an alien spacecraft or a pollutant put into the air?

I’m sure within the next fifty years we will know the truth I just hope that it’s not too late then for humanity and our planet.

But what do I know, I’m not a scientist, and like you I will just have to wait and see.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 12 September 2016

Why Make Unstoppable Robots?

With so many dangers to worry about on our planet, we need to add a new one to the list, “Unstoppable Robots.”

Now I know some robots are useful in the home and we are used to seeing drones flying about the sky, but now researchers have developed a robot that can adapt to being damaged and continue their task.

Currently it may not be huge or scary looking, but as the technology develops I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they begin to look like a cyborg from the Terminator movie.

And you know what happens next, they try to take over the world!

What’s worse is that if somebody unstable ends up controlling these robots they could program them to kill humans, wiping out mankind; as after all they are unstoppable!

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 29 August 2016

Why Do Mysterious Lights Appear In The Sky?

When mysterious lights appear in the sky, we humans are automatically mesmerised by them, running outside to take a closer look and capturing the event on cameras or mobiles.

It’s in our nature and we can’t help ourselves. We may be scared at first then excited that we could be witnessing something big.

That’s great but have you ever stopped to wonder that what you’re looking at could affect you for the rest of your lives?

How do you know that whilst you are looking up at them, they could be capturing your image, and genetic information?

It’s possible that one day, they will come back for you.

But what if, they already had but you have no knowledge of it?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 18 July 2016

Is A Drone A Robot?

Friend or foe, love them or hate them, are drones robots?

It’s the user that decides its fate, to create a wonderful tool to bring happiness or to bring death and destruction.

Generally drones can be used for the greater good, fitted with filming or camera equipment it can bring a new perspective to watching a video or programme on television.

With no wires attached the Ariel views capture images not seen before, this was surely a great robot to have.

But unfortunately as a product with positive attributes there are those who could also see the these attributes to a licence to kill.

Now we have flying unmanned machines that kill people from a great distance without harm to its user and with insect drones now being created, will we ever be able to tell them apart?

I think not, but more worrying is that a lot of us are now using the robot vacuum cleaners, how do we know that they’re not spying on us?

I say treat your vacuum with respect as you never know when you’ll need an ally.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 4 July 2016

The Hadron Collider Mystery?

What are scientists trying to discover when the Hadron Collider is switched on?

Is it to create a black hole or to create gravity?

It’s fascinating how we want to learn everything there is to know about the beginning of life and our planet.

However with that said and no actual proof of any, most is taught to us on theories of others, but now bored with that scientists now want to find the next big discovery and their using the Large Hadron Collider to do it.

Recently the Large Hadron Collider detected more photons than expected as it smashed particles and with flashes of light being seen bought excitement to many physicists in La Thuile in the Italian Alps.

Could this be the start of the next big thing? And if so what?

That’s the mystery of science nobody knows, but at least it will keep the scientists busy for some time.

What do you think?

 Author: Charmain Ingleton