Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Environment. Show all posts

Monday, 26 February 2018

Are Solar Sails Alien Technology?

The question is, “Are Solar Sails alien technology?”

I’ve read a lot about solar sails and how they work.

Basically, solar sails can be propelled when light particles captured on bounced reflective surfaces are caught.  These cause momentum, and momentum propels the solar sails.

Just think about it for a moment.

If a boat was launched into space with solar sails, the momentum would propel it around our solar system without stopping unless it crashed into a meteorite, an asteroid or was taken by an alien.

Now I know Earths scientists are experts in different fields, but how did they figure out such a wonderful thing that involved a sail of some sort, space, the sun and light particles?

Is this a human design or has there been an alien contribution?

But hey, I’m no expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 15 January 2018

Are Aliens Causing Vibrations?

The question is, “Are aliens causing vibrations?”

For many years, I’ve felt a vibration under my feet when just standing still.

Although only for a couple of seconds, there was no doubt in my mind that it was coming from beneath the surface of the ground and was not caused by heavy traffic.

Not only have I experienced vibrations on pavements, but even inside my home, on one of the floors of a multi-story car park and from the second floor of a hospital.

So, what’s causing these vibrations?

Or could it be a misdirected vibration, where it’s really coming from the Troposphere?

Well, whatever the cause let’s hope it’s not the vibration of a gigantic sink hole!

But hey, I’m not expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 25 December 2017

Is There An Electricity Accelerator On Jupiter?

The question is, “Is there an electricity accelerator on Jupiter?”

When we watch the natural light display of an aurora or northern lights as commonly known on Earth. We understand that they’re caused by electrically charged particles that are colliding with our planet Earth’s magnetic field.

Jupiter also showcases beautiful auroras. However, in September 2017 researchers detected a much a higher voltage in their light displays between 10 to 30 times higher than on Earth.

So, could we be looking at Jupiter all wrong?

Maybe it’s not just a planet.

Could it be a high voltage battery charger in space that can re-charge extra-terrestrial spacecrafts?

As UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects) and USO’s (Unidentified Submerged Objects) come to Earth frequently they must need to re-fuel with energy to continue their flight home.

But hey I’m no scientist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 4 December 2017

Can A Magnet Field Shield Aliens?

The question is, “Can a Magnet Field Shield Aliens?”

A new study showed that the moon’s magnet field lasted one billion years longer than the experts first thought.

So, firstly what does the magnetic field do?

In the case of Earth’s magnetic field. It deflects radiation that’s emitted by the sun’s rays.

So, how do aliens come into it, you may ask?

A good question. The experts believe that other planets that have magnet fields, are concealing alien life forms.

Which I believe is correct, especially as our magnet field’s not shielding us from alien visitors?

With more and more sightings of UFO’s (Unidentified Flying Objects) and now with USO’s (Unidentified Submerged Objects) the aliens sure know of our existence.

But hey I’m not an expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 20 November 2017

What’s A Megabot?

The question is, “What’s a Megabot?”

Researchers have created autonomous motor robots.

As these robots can control themselves like for example some of these wireless vacuum cleaners, they have now decided to make one, they call a Megabot.

Fiction is now becoming fact, as they plan to have Megabots that can do more than one thing rather than have lots of robots doing individual things.

These giant robots called Megabots are the future.

But should we worry?

As these powerful Megabot transformer type robots start coming onto the high streets and into our homes how safe will they really be.

For if their central processing unit (CPU) blows a fuse couldn’t they be a danger to us?

Who knows only the future will tell.

But hey I’m no researcher, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 13 November 2017

Why Do AI’s Need Human Teachers?

The question is, “Why do AI’s need human teachers?”

Professionals are helping big tech companies in contributing to the AI’s intelligence by adding their specialised area in that subject.

By doing this an AI will be able to learn more from a person’s experience this I believe will be added to the AI’s central processing unit (CPU).

The more data the AI can capture, the better its knowledge of humans and their capabilities.

However, this could be dangerous in the future?

For I believe that if an AI learns too much about humanity, it wouldn’t take long before it took control over its own destiny, and there wouldn’t be any way to stop them.

For as they learn and evolve they would’ve already overcome our primitive fail safes.

Hi-tech companies, the creators, are potentially creating something that’s even more intelligent and powerful than all of us put together.

So, do AI’s need teachers, or maybe this isn’t such a good idea after all.

But hey I’m no technician, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 30 October 2017

Are Bot Flies An Alien Species?

The question is, “Are Bot flies an alien species?”

I watched a documentary a few months ago about Bot fly larva and it was an eye opener.

The Bot fly is as big as a bumble bee, but it has a very cunning way of distributing its eggs.

I watched it grab a fly, and after putting its eggs onto it the fly was released to do its dirty deeds.

When the fly landed, the larva attracted by the heat of the host would drop off onto the host and burrow under the skin. The host could be anything warm bodied, animal or human.

After six weeks it became a maggot and would eat its way out dropping to the ground before becoming an adult fly, where the process would repeat itself.

The worse thing was the size of the maggot and the hole left by the Bot fly. I watched as they pulled one out of someone’s head. This time the host was a man and not an animal.

The way the Bot fly and its larva behave tell me that they’re in survival mode.

So, is it possible that Bot flies are an alien species?

If you watch one in action they’re very smart, they use mosquitos and flies as their carriers, and survive by eating animal and human flesh until their emergence, ready to repeat the cycle.

But hey I’m no fly expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 24 April 2017

Are UFO’s At Yellowstone?

The question is, “Are UFO’s at Yellowstone?”

I read an article about alien space crafts visiting Yellowstone National Park

The scientists believe that it’s a warning sign that a huge volcano is going to erupt.

There have been claims that UFO’s have appeared before or during eruptions and some say that this activity has increased. It's also been said that there's an underground alien base at Yellowstone.

But do we really know the truth? I don’t think so.

If we are in for a massive volcano eruption I'd expect the Volcanologists to announce it.

I have one theory though and that is that Yellowstone is a refuelling centre for the UFO’s, the Sulphur Dioxide is used to fuel their flying space crafts and that’s why so  many UFO's are spotted in the area?

But hey I’m no Volcanologist but what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 2 January 2017

Do Viruses Come From Space?

The question is, “Do viruses come from space?”

It’s said that comet and meteorite impacts made life on earth.

So with that in mind isn’t it possible that they’re also destroying us too?

Is sickness or ill health created by our own life styles, or from something more sinister?

For I’ve observed that we have many illnesses on our planet, some incurable.

Pharmaceutical companies make a mint by producing cures in one form or another and if you can afford to pay for them you will, but there’s never a guarantee that they’d work.

Now I’m no scientist but I had a thought that these could be caused by one of two things;

Either an unscrupulous company had created and spread a new virus in order to receive funding for research.

Or microscopic bacteria had landed and thrived on planet Earth. Then when the conditions were right the spores dispersed across the world making contact with birds and wildlife.

Where upon sniffing or eating the spore it remained dormant within the animal until eaten by us humans; then mutation would begin the start of an incurable illness or defect that could be spread throughout generations.

Hey but that’s just my theory as I’m no scientist. Anyway let me know what you think.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 31 October 2016

Is Hinkley Point C - Motherboard In Disguise?

The question is, “Is Hinkley Point C, a motherboard in disguise?”

I saw an aerial view of Hinkley Point C nuclear power station at a few weeks ago.

It instantly reminded me of a motherboard.

There were similarities in the design which got me thinking.

Simply; as a motherboard is a printed circuit board that allows computer hardware components to communicate with each other, then is Hinkley Point C doing the same thing but on a larger scale.

How do we know that this structure is not a motherboard in disguise that’s already communicating with other worlds?

It may appear to be just another structure but you never know the truth until something goes terribly wrong.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 22 August 2016

What Is A White Hole?

The question is “What is a white hole?”

A “White Hole,” is a hypothetical region of space-time which is the reverse of a black hole.

With a white hole; light and matter escape from it but nothing can be entered from the outside.

A black hole is the opposite; it can be entered from the outside but no matter or light can escape.

So as this is the case is it possible that where there’s one, another must be close by?

If a white hole is the reverse of a black hole, then is it not logical to believe that they are attached to each other, one in a different part of the galaxy to the other?

And if this is so, if you were pulled into a black hole would the way out be through a white hole?

We don’t know, but could this be how the aliens travel throughout the universe?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 18 July 2016

Is A Drone A Robot?

Friend or foe, love them or hate them, are drones robots?

It’s the user that decides its fate, to create a wonderful tool to bring happiness or to bring death and destruction.

Generally drones can be used for the greater good, fitted with filming or camera equipment it can bring a new perspective to watching a video or programme on television.

With no wires attached the Ariel views capture images not seen before, this was surely a great robot to have.

But unfortunately as a product with positive attributes there are those who could also see the these attributes to a licence to kill.

Now we have flying unmanned machines that kill people from a great distance without harm to its user and with insect drones now being created, will we ever be able to tell them apart?

I think not, but more worrying is that a lot of us are now using the robot vacuum cleaners, how do we know that they’re not spying on us?

I say treat your vacuum with respect as you never know when you’ll need an ally.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 20 June 2016

Why Does The Sky Turn Yellow?

Twice now I’ve noticed the sky has been a strange yellowish colour.

Now I’ve not seen it this colour before, so what’s causing it?

I read a few articles before writing this post that state that a change to the colour of our sky is caused by high pressure in the atmosphere and sunlight refracting through the clouds.

Some articles also state that a colour change to the sky can usually happen before a storm, tornado or just by small particles of trapped dust in the atmosphere.

I’ve been around a long time, but I’ve only seen this happen twice within the last 2 months. So how’s it possible that this is taking place in my borough now; what’s changed?

I find it hard to believe a few clouds or a bit of dust can turn the whole sky yellow.

Could this new addition to our sky be due to Chemtrails?

Furthermore, is it safe to breathe in? As it looks very much like there’s a chemical or gas in the air, and I’m not even scientific!

Whatever is really turning the sky this eerie yellowish colour I’m sure in time we will find out the truth.

Or it could be just another alien bug invasion!

What do you think? 

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 13 June 2016

What’s A Chemtrail?

Have you ever noticed cloudy lines or white streaks that are sometimes patterned in a criss-cross design across the planets sky?

Well if you have, do you think their dangerous?

Now I'm not sure what that is but I could hazard a guess based on what it’s called, and say that it’s something to do with chemicals in the sky.

If that’s true, then why is it being done?

Some are innocent, as compressed water vapour from aircrafts released into the atmosphere makes trails that disappear quickly.

However there are many that appear more sinister, where the trails don’t disappear; instead they spread out into hazy cloudy streaks that last for hours.

Therefore, are we being bombarded with chemicals falling from the sky that’s creating problems to our health?

With a worldwide increase in asthma, allergies and respiratory diseases is it possible that the trails in the sky play a big part.

They could be the biggest health hazard of them all, as it’s a sure way of keeping the population levels down.

Maybe it should be called, “ChemTrial” short for Chemical Trial rather then Chemtrail, as after all we are the test subjects!

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 23 May 2016

A Sink Holed Earth?

Our planet is beginning to look pockmarked as more sink holes spring up everywhere.

If we’re unable to prevent them from happening, and they continue to appear unexpectedly under your feet, house or horizon, then I see a problem.

If they continue to appear at a steady pace I believe they’ll eventually link together and become one huge hole on the surface of our planet.

And if that happens the seas and fresh water across the world will come together and spill into that huge great hole and become Earth’s new sea; but then what happens to us?

Would there be any human survivors, and if so, will we be able to live on the outer rim of this great hole without fresh water? I think not.

Maybe it’s time we started planning for such an event before it’s too late.

To protect the future of our grandchildren’s children and their children etc, etc.

I’m not a fear monger but could mankind be extinct by the end of the 21st century?

Or you could just ignore this post and do what we’re used to doing and that’s – “Absolutely Nothing!”

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Why Is Earth Eroding?

With Sinkholes appearing all over the place it’s like our planet’s being slowly eaten away.

But is it natural, or is something more sinister at work here?

Is it possible that an alien organism was carried to our planet by a meteorite, or even bought to Earth on one of our own space craft’s?

Think about it for a second; something so minute that could easily be blown off by Earth’s wind into the sand or soil; so accustomed to barren worlds it found ours very comfy indeed.

Maybe when it burrowed its way underground it found the limestone or soil agreeable to its digestive system, and its been eating the planet from within ever since.

And if that’s the case all these sinkholes you see popping up all over the place must have a few humongous creatures living inside of them.

But that’s only my opinion, who knows what eats or lives in them. I don’t do you?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 25 April 2016

Is A Sink Hole An Alien Crash Site?

The question is, “Is a sink hole an alien crash site?”

Since the Roswell incident, do you think there have been other incidents on Earth involving alien space crafts?

The reason I ask, is that with the increased number of UFO sightings reported by the general public, it made me wonder about the unexpected and increased number of sink holes.

Was there a link; could these possibly be alien crash sites?

If so, what happened to the space craft and pilot?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 18 April 2016

Are Sink Holes Made By Aliens?

The question is, “What’s a Sink hole?”

The experts claim that they’re caused by soil erosion, groundwater, leaking pipes or old coal mines.

I don’t dispute that it’s probably true in some cases, however, what about the ones that are perfectly round?

Is it possible that something alien made these?

Now I don’t mean to alarm anyone but if this is the case, then what happened to the unidentified object that made the hole in the first place?

If it was an alien spacecraft of some kind, where’s it hidden?

More importantly what happened to the pilot, are they and their passengers living amongst us?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 4 April 2016

Are Aliens Behind Fracking?

Do you think an alien species have infiltrated Earth, and is using Fracking as a way to destroy us?

Think about it for a moment; Fracking has already been sold to us under the pretence of being a green source of energy.

But if it’s such a green source of energy, why are there so many negative points, for example; it’s not bio degradable; it contaminates our water supply; causes cancer and respiratory disease etc.

Now I’m not trying to alarm anyone, but this surely cannot be a safe method to obtain even more fuel? Whatever happened to Health & Safety?

It appears to me that Fracking is not human or environmentally friendly, causing problems to our health, devastation to our environment and to our planet!

So, is it possible that this is happening for a reason?

Could it be a way to rid the Earth of humans in order to make way for a new alien species that want to live on our planet, Earth?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton