I read the children’s book called, ‘Tiddler,’
This children’s book was written by
Julia Donaldson, and is beautifully illustrated by Axel Scheffler.
It’s is a delightful children’s picture
book that tells the tale of a tiny fish called Tiddler.
Tiddler was always late for school. He
always arrived after Miss Skate had called the register.
With his big imagination, he told tall
tales, to explain why he was so late.
Then one day he gets caught in a
fishing net. Now on a real adventure he’s taken further out to sea.
How will he ever find his way back to
the school, his teacher and his friends?
To find out what happens, why not read
the book or watch it on YouTube, then you can tell me what you think.
It’s a great book for young children
that encourages them not to tell tales.
Charmain Ingleton