Monday, 8 August 2016

Is Déjà Vu A Replay Of A Previous Life?

The question is, “What is Déjà Vu?”  

The term déjà vu is French it means “Already seen.”

It’s the name given to a sense or feeling of being somewhere before, a knowing or familiarity of a place or something.

I’ve experienced it personally, the effect was unexpected.

When I was a teenager I was just looking at some belts at one of the retail shops at Wood Green. Then as I reached up to take one, everything froze, then in a split second as my body stood on the same spot half the store moved quickly away from me and then returned back to it’s place.

It felt strange and I must admit I was a little scared at first as I wasn’t sure what had happened, but then I had this overwhelming feeling that I’d had done this action before. It’s then the words déjà vu popped into my mind.

I still get déjà vu now, and in some cases I remember doing the exact thing over and over again; I remember just after the action’s been performed, then instantly I know I’ve done it previously in the past.

So are we re-enacting a previous life?

And if so will this continue until we get it right?

I wonder how many times I’ve actually come back into this body and replayed this life, with this family?

With so many choices and variables I could have come back infinite times.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Is There A Moose On The Loose?

The other morning I read the children’s book called, ‘Moose on the Loose.’

This children’s book was written by Kathy-Jo Wargin and illustrated by John Bendall-Brunello.

It’s a lovely children’s book that tells the story of a moose.

The story allows interaction with the reader by asking a question followed by a choice of answers.

It’s a delightful story I’d recommend reading to all children.

So folks tell me, “What would you do with a moose on the loose?”

“Would you chase him, race him or stand up to face him?”

Read the book now or watch it on YouTube and give me your answer, or you could just tell me what you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 1 August 2016

Is Teleportation Possible?

Scientists claim that it’s possible to teleport a human.

They have already done it to an atom, transporting it three metres.

It’s all about atoms and if we too are made up of atoms, then these can be broken down so that we could also transport from one place to another.

If the scientists succeed in this, just think how great it would be to transport to work within seconds of getting out of bed.

The downside; our world will become really small to us, as our ability to transport anywhere and at any time will eventually become the norm, and once we had been everywhere then the majority will want to venture out to space.

With this in mind, maybe we should begin building space ships that can take us throughout the galaxy, before it’s too late and technology catches up with us.

But what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton 

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Where Is The Green Sheep?

The other morning I read the children’s book called, ‘Where Is The Green Sheep.’

This children’s book was written by Mem Fox and illustrated by Judy Horacek.

It’s a lovely children’s book about sheep, but the question asked at the end is always “Where is the green sheep?”

It’s a delightful short story I’d recommend reading to all children.

It’s educational and encourages children to interact and look for the green sheep.

You better check under your bed, it could be there!

So read it now or watch it on YouTube and tell me what you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 25 July 2016

Can We Time Travel?

My question is, “Can we time travel?”

Unfortunately it’s claimed that time travel isn’t possible without a portal, wormhole or time machine or like in Star Trek we slingshot off a star.

Well I’m not a scientist but I’ve time travelled to and from the future, and surprisingly enough so have a lot of people.

Now I’ve not gone through a portal or wormhole, and I’ve not used a time machine or been on board the Enterprise, but I have been on an aeroplane.

I travelled to Jamaica which I’ve gone back in time by 6 hours UK time and on my return to the UK, I travelled 6 hours into the future.

So the simple answer is yes, we can time travel.

So if you've travelled to America, Japan, Australia or beyond then you too have experienced time travel.

I’m not sure if the physicists would agree, but what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Can You Grow A Red Lemon?

The other morning I read the children’s book called, ‘The Red Lemon.’

This children’s book was written and illustrated by Bob Staake.

It’s a delightful children’s rhyming book about Farmer McPhee and a red lemon.

Farmer McPhee grows perfect yellow lemons, but when he finds a red lemon on one of his lemon trees he quickly gets rid of it by tossing it across the blue sea and onto an island.

However many years later the farmers lemon orchard become weeds, but the red lemon seeds have succeeded in growing an orchard of red lemon trees.

The island is now a successful tourist attraction bringing many visitors that want to eat and taste the sweet red lemon.

This is a wonderful story that educates children and adults to realise that imperfections are not a bad thing and may have more to offer in a different way.

As just like the red lemon it looked different but turned out to have much more to offer in the end.

I’d recommend children and adults read it as its very educational.

In life you will always come across something not to your liking, but remember if you turn a negative thought into a positive one, you will always find it was worth it in the end and more than likely, better than first expected.

So read it now or watch it on YouTube and tell me what you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton