Showing posts with label Fracking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fracking. Show all posts

Monday, 26 February 2018

What’s The Walkways Awakening?

The question is, “What’s The Walkways Awakening?”

This is the name of a new science fiction book written by Charmain Ingleton.

The Walkways Awakening is the first science fiction book in the walkways trilogy that incorporates some factual elements. It was written to awaken your mind to what’s happening on our planet and to what’s already here!

The first book tells the story of a fracking incident that causes a catastrophic event across the planet.  This alerts other alien species from the outer galaxies that Earth’s walkways have opened, and now they’re heading to Earth!

However, whilst Earth is dealing with this catastrophe three thousand Earthlings had found out they’re Halflings. A hybrid species, half Earthling, half Historian.  Now to be transported to the alien planet ‘Historia,’ where they will be reawakened by the High Priestess and receive their unique skills and telepathic abilities.

Read the first five chapters for free by visiting the walkways website and remember to share.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 15 January 2018

Are Aliens Causing Vibrations?

The question is, “Are aliens causing vibrations?”

For many years, I’ve felt a vibration under my feet when just standing still.

Although only for a couple of seconds, there was no doubt in my mind that it was coming from beneath the surface of the ground and was not caused by heavy traffic.

Not only have I experienced vibrations on pavements, but even inside my home, on one of the floors of a multi-story car park and from the second floor of a hospital.

So, what’s causing these vibrations?

Or could it be a misdirected vibration, where it’s really coming from the Troposphere?

Well, whatever the cause let’s hope it’s not the vibration of a gigantic sink hole!

But hey, I’m not expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 9 October 2017

Can Galaxies Collide?

The question is, “Can Galaxies Collide?”

I read an article that stated there was a galaxy called 0402+379, 750 million light years away that has two super-massive black holes.

It’s believed they’re going to merge.

When this happens, it could show the course of what will happen in several billion years from now.

For both our galaxy the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy, both with black holes are also set on a collision course.

So, where will this leave Earth?

Could Earth be destroyed or move into a black hole within another galaxy?

Also, what will happen to the Sun, will it follow?

Who knows, fortunately, I won’t be here in a billion years to find out.

But as our planet is continuously abused by air pollution, chemical spraying, fracking and the destruction to our planet’s surface, will Earth even be here to witness it. 

I fear not.

But hey, I’m no Astronomer, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 17 April 2017

Is Antarctica Cracking Up?

The question, “Is Antarctica cracking up?”

Since the beginning of December 2016 a crack has increasingly grown in the Antarctica that’s sliced through to the ice shelf floor.

At one hundred miles long scientists believe that it will soon break away.

But what happens next?

I understand that the sea will rise as it melts and it will cause flooding and destruction.

I read an article dated 26th February 2017 that mentioned that a mass evacuation was underway. This is understandable considering the circumstances, but prior to that many well known and important people had visited Antarctica.

So was it to see this enormous crack or have they discovered something more sinister beneath the ice?

Whatever the real cause of this crack I don’t think you can blame global warming this time, fracking maybe!

But hey I’m no scientist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 22 August 2016

What Is A White Hole?

The question is “What is a white hole?”

A “White Hole,” is a hypothetical region of space-time which is the reverse of a black hole.

With a white hole; light and matter escape from it but nothing can be entered from the outside.

A black hole is the opposite; it can be entered from the outside but no matter or light can escape.

So as this is the case is it possible that where there’s one, another must be close by?

If a white hole is the reverse of a black hole, then is it not logical to believe that they are attached to each other, one in a different part of the galaxy to the other?

And if this is so, if you were pulled into a black hole would the way out be through a white hole?

We don’t know, but could this be how the aliens travel throughout the universe?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 23 May 2016

A Sink Holed Earth?

Our planet is beginning to look pockmarked as more sink holes spring up everywhere.

If we’re unable to prevent them from happening, and they continue to appear unexpectedly under your feet, house or horizon, then I see a problem.

If they continue to appear at a steady pace I believe they’ll eventually link together and become one huge hole on the surface of our planet.

And if that happens the seas and fresh water across the world will come together and spill into that huge great hole and become Earth’s new sea; but then what happens to us?

Would there be any human survivors, and if so, will we be able to live on the outer rim of this great hole without fresh water? I think not.

Maybe it’s time we started planning for such an event before it’s too late.

To protect the future of our grandchildren’s children and their children etc, etc.

I’m not a fear monger but could mankind be extinct by the end of the 21st century?

Or you could just ignore this post and do what we’re used to doing and that’s – “Absolutely Nothing!”

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Why Is Earth Eroding?

With Sinkholes appearing all over the place it’s like our planet’s being slowly eaten away.

But is it natural, or is something more sinister at work here?

Is it possible that an alien organism was carried to our planet by a meteorite, or even bought to Earth on one of our own space craft’s?

Think about it for a second; something so minute that could easily be blown off by Earth’s wind into the sand or soil; so accustomed to barren worlds it found ours very comfy indeed.

Maybe when it burrowed its way underground it found the limestone or soil agreeable to its digestive system, and its been eating the planet from within ever since.

And if that’s the case all these sinkholes you see popping up all over the place must have a few humongous creatures living inside of them.

But that’s only my opinion, who knows what eats or lives in them. I don’t do you?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 25 April 2016

Is A Sink Hole An Alien Crash Site?

The question is, “Is a sink hole an alien crash site?”

Since the Roswell incident, do you think there have been other incidents on Earth involving alien space crafts?

The reason I ask, is that with the increased number of UFO sightings reported by the general public, it made me wonder about the unexpected and increased number of sink holes.

Was there a link; could these possibly be alien crash sites?

If so, what happened to the space craft and pilot?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 18 April 2016

Are Sink Holes Made By Aliens?

The question is, “What’s a Sink hole?”

The experts claim that they’re caused by soil erosion, groundwater, leaking pipes or old coal mines.

I don’t dispute that it’s probably true in some cases, however, what about the ones that are perfectly round?

Is it possible that something alien made these?

Now I don’t mean to alarm anyone but if this is the case, then what happened to the unidentified object that made the hole in the first place?

If it was an alien spacecraft of some kind, where’s it hidden?

More importantly what happened to the pilot, are they and their passengers living amongst us?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 4 April 2016

Are Aliens Behind Fracking?

Do you think an alien species have infiltrated Earth, and is using Fracking as a way to destroy us?

Think about it for a moment; Fracking has already been sold to us under the pretence of being a green source of energy.

But if it’s such a green source of energy, why are there so many negative points, for example; it’s not bio degradable; it contaminates our water supply; causes cancer and respiratory disease etc.

Now I’m not trying to alarm anyone, but this surely cannot be a safe method to obtain even more fuel? Whatever happened to Health & Safety?

It appears to me that Fracking is not human or environmentally friendly, causing problems to our health, devastation to our environment and to our planet!

So, is it possible that this is happening for a reason?

Could it be a way to rid the Earth of humans in order to make way for a new alien species that want to live on our planet, Earth?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Friday, 1 April 2016

Do You Believe In Science Fiction, Fact or Fantasy?

Welcome to my first blog post on sci-fi, fact or fantasy.

This first posting is about my new exciting sci-fi trilogy.

Inspired by my love of sci-fi, I’ve just finished writing three science fiction books and wanted you all to know.                                                                        

The first book called, ‘The Walkways Awakening,’ is to be released shortly, so just follow the posts and look out for the books release date.

This first book merges fact with fiction. It was written to awaken you to current events that are happening on our planet!

It tells the horrific story of a fracking incident that leads to thousands of Earthlings being thrown into an alien civilization, an alien invasion and the threat of our planet Earth’s destruction.

The question is; who can save us?

Author: Charmain Ingleton