Showing posts with label Meteorite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meteorite. Show all posts

Monday, 26 February 2018

What’s an Oumuamua?

The question is, “What’s an Oumuamua?”

This is the name given by scientists to an unusual shaped object that entered our solar system in October 2017.

It was first thought to be just another space rock. However, the strange narrow elongated shape had many experts and scientists thinking that maybe this wasn’t so, believing it to be an alien spacecraft or alien artefact instead.

So, what is it?

No one really knows for sure, that’s why as it’s still in our solar system scientists are trying to obtain information on the object.

My guess, it’s just a different type of space rock that we’ve not come across before in space.

Even on Earth there are many unusual rock formations that are still unexplained so why not in space?

But hey, I’m no expert what do you think? 

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 30 October 2017

Are Bot Flies An Alien Species?

The question is, “Are Bot flies an alien species?”

I watched a documentary a few months ago about Bot fly larva and it was an eye opener.

The Bot fly is as big as a bumble bee, but it has a very cunning way of distributing its eggs.

I watched it grab a fly, and after putting its eggs onto it the fly was released to do its dirty deeds.

When the fly landed, the larva attracted by the heat of the host would drop off onto the host and burrow under the skin. The host could be anything warm bodied, animal or human.

After six weeks it became a maggot and would eat its way out dropping to the ground before becoming an adult fly, where the process would repeat itself.

The worse thing was the size of the maggot and the hole left by the Bot fly. I watched as they pulled one out of someone’s head. This time the host was a man and not an animal.

The way the Bot fly and its larva behave tell me that they’re in survival mode.

So, is it possible that Bot flies are an alien species?

If you watch one in action they’re very smart, they use mosquitos and flies as their carriers, and survive by eating animal and human flesh until their emergence, ready to repeat the cycle.

But hey I’m no fly expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 19 June 2017

Does Space Plankton Exist?

The question is, “Does Space Plankton Exist?”
Our seas are magnificent and so is the universe.
Although we sail in ships and dive to the bottom of our oceans in submarines there’s still plenty of ocean surface that lays undiscovered.
Under a microscope sea water brings many surprises with unusual looking plants and animals. Some are known to us whilst there are some that are not. Either way we call them Plankton.
Now with this in mind although there’s still much more to discover under the oceans humans don’t want to pursue it. Their interest appears to be more focused on space and I don’t mean an empty space but the universe type space.
Now this is only my opinion, but isn’t it possible that there are invisible lifeforms that are similar to plankton that swim continuously within the darkness of space in-between the planets?
Basically, ‘Space Plankton,’ for I believe that something lives there it’s just that we don’t know it yet.
It’s been proven here on Earth that creatures can survive in extreme weather so why should space be any different.
But hey I’m no scientist it’s just my theory, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 12 June 2017

Are Sea Cucumbers Clones?

The question is, “Are Sea Cucumber’s clones?”

I don’t know if you know this but a sea cucumber is a scavenger that eats algae and waste particles and can grow up to three feet long.

If you cut one in half it becomes two separate sea cucumbers.

The more pieces you cut out of a sea cucumber, the more individual live sea cucumbers are created.

So, with this in mind is it possible that they were all cloned from the first ever sea cucumber?

Interesting ah?

I read that they can be eaten in a soup, in a stew or even stuffed with meat, however I’ve never tried one and I’m not likely too either.

These amazing creatures are doing a great job keeping the algae levels down and their regeneration skills are basically out of this world, literally.

For all we know this creature could have come from another planet bought to Earth on the back of a meteorite that crashed landed into our ocean.

Buy hey, what do I know I’m not a marine biologist, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 29 August 2016

Why Do Mysterious Lights Appear In The Sky?

When mysterious lights appear in the sky, we humans are automatically mesmerised by them, running outside to take a closer look and capturing the event on cameras or mobiles.

It’s in our nature and we can’t help ourselves. We may be scared at first then excited that we could be witnessing something big.

That’s great but have you ever stopped to wonder that what you’re looking at could affect you for the rest of your lives?

How do you know that whilst you are looking up at them, they could be capturing your image, and genetic information?

It’s possible that one day, they will come back for you.

But what if, they already had but you have no knowledge of it?

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton