Showing posts with label Robot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robot. Show all posts

Monday, 18 July 2016

Is A Drone A Robot?

Friend or foe, love them or hate them, are drones robots?

It’s the user that decides its fate, to create a wonderful tool to bring happiness or to bring death and destruction.

Generally drones can be used for the greater good, fitted with filming or camera equipment it can bring a new perspective to watching a video or programme on television.

With no wires attached the Ariel views capture images not seen before, this was surely a great robot to have.

But unfortunately as a product with positive attributes there are those who could also see the these attributes to a licence to kill.

Now we have flying unmanned machines that kill people from a great distance without harm to its user and with insect drones now being created, will we ever be able to tell them apart?

I think not, but more worrying is that a lot of us are now using the robot vacuum cleaners, how do we know that they’re not spying on us?

I say treat your vacuum with respect as you never know when you’ll need an ally.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton