Showing posts with label Robots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robots. Show all posts

Monday, 8 January 2018

Do Robotic Bee’s Exist?

The question is, “Do Robotic Bee’s Exist?”

Inspired by insects, it appears that researchers have designed a robotic bee, named ‘RoboBee.’

Not only can it fly, dive and swim but it can also launch itself out of the water.

Although the capabilities are on a tiny scale, it’s incredible that this tiny robotic insect can do these things.

What next?

Maybe the researchers could scale up and create a robotic machine the size of a jumbo jet, that could do similar things.

With robotic technology moving so fast, and with robots in high demand to aid defence, space exploration etc. I expect that this is just a small part of what’s already out there.

Now I’m not saying it’s not great what these robotic researchers can create a working being from nothing, but once these robots can think for themselves then we’re gonna be in serious trouble.

For I believe that one day, robots will lead and humans will follow.

But hey, I’m no robotics expert.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 20 November 2017

What’s A Megabot?

The question is, “What’s a Megabot?”

Researchers have created autonomous motor robots.

As these robots can control themselves like for example some of these wireless vacuum cleaners, they have now decided to make one, they call a Megabot.

Fiction is now becoming fact, as they plan to have Megabots that can do more than one thing rather than have lots of robots doing individual things.

These giant robots called Megabots are the future.

But should we worry?

As these powerful Megabot transformer type robots start coming onto the high streets and into our homes how safe will they really be.

For if their central processing unit (CPU) blows a fuse couldn’t they be a danger to us?

Who knows only the future will tell.

But hey I’m no researcher, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 23 October 2017

Are Robot Stretchers Reliable?

The question is, “Are robot stretchers reliable?”

In September 2017, we learnt that BAE Systems had designed a robot stretcher that can remove a wounded soldier from the battlefield.

This electric powered vehicle is unmanned, driven remotely by wireless remote control.

Eventually it will be fitted with artificial intelligence, like a GPS I suppose. This will allow the vehicle to navigate the battlefield, surprisingly all on its own.

So, how reliable will these robot stretchers be?

For with any electrical item this too will need charging, but if someone forgets to charge it, that’s going to be a problem.

It’s also a problem if it runs over a landmine and can’t finish its rescue mission, or worse still if this was to happen when its carrying a wounded soldier.

In the future, they plan to fit it with bomb disposal equipment, cameras for missions, or even a machine gun.

So, with regard to all of the above, how can they prevent the programme from being corrupted or worse still, controlled by a different remote handler that gets onto the same frequency?

But hey, I’m no expert, what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 12 September 2016

Why Make Unstoppable Robots?

With so many dangers to worry about on our planet, we need to add a new one to the list, “Unstoppable Robots.”

Now I know some robots are useful in the home and we are used to seeing drones flying about the sky, but now researchers have developed a robot that can adapt to being damaged and continue their task.

Currently it may not be huge or scary looking, but as the technology develops I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they begin to look like a cyborg from the Terminator movie.

And you know what happens next, they try to take over the world!

What’s worse is that if somebody unstable ends up controlling these robots they could program them to kill humans, wiping out mankind; as after all they are unstoppable!

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 18 July 2016

Is A Drone A Robot?

Friend or foe, love them or hate them, are drones robots?

It’s the user that decides its fate, to create a wonderful tool to bring happiness or to bring death and destruction.

Generally drones can be used for the greater good, fitted with filming or camera equipment it can bring a new perspective to watching a video or programme on television.

With no wires attached the Ariel views capture images not seen before, this was surely a great robot to have.

But unfortunately as a product with positive attributes there are those who could also see the these attributes to a licence to kill.

Now we have flying unmanned machines that kill people from a great distance without harm to its user and with insect drones now being created, will we ever be able to tell them apart?

I think not, but more worrying is that a lot of us are now using the robot vacuum cleaners, how do we know that they’re not spying on us?

I say treat your vacuum with respect as you never know when you’ll need an ally.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton