Monday, 21 November 2016

Does Earth Have Two Moons?

The question is, “Does the Earth have two Moons?”

The short answer is yes.

Apparently we have a “Mini-Moon,” that was discovered on 27th April 2016 by using the Pan-STARRS 1 asteroid survey telescope on Haleakala in Hawaii.

Named 2016 HO3, this small asteroid orbits the sun and is a continuous companion to Earth. It’s been with us for centuries.

If the conditions are right for Earth to produce life, isn’t it possible for the asteroid to also have some kind of life form?

It’s fair to say that another species could be a lot closer than we thought.

So maybe the next mission in space should be destination mini-moon 2016 HO3, so we can say hello and meet the neighbours.

What do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 20 November 2016

What's A Flum Flum Tree?

I read the children’s book called, ‘Jack and the Flum Flum Tree,’ the other morning.

This children’s book was written by Julia Donaldson and illustrated by David Roberts.

It’s a delightful children’s story about a boy called Jack and his adventure to find a flumflum tree.

When the only cure for Jacks grannies spots is the fruit from a flumflum tree, he goes on a mission to find one. Taking his friends Rosie and Stu with him and a patchwork sack they travel by sea.

However it’s not long before they have a few problems but Jack’s not worried, he remembers what’s in the patchwork sack and uses the items to help them.

It’s a lovely story that I’d recommend reading with young children.

And if you want to find out what’s in the patchwork sack, read it now or watch it on YouTube, then you can tell me what you think.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 14 November 2016

Is Saturn Communicating With Us?

The question is, “Is Saturn Communicating with us?”

When the Cassini spacecraft reached planet Saturn in April 2002 it detected radio emissions.

I listened to Saturn’s radio emissions on the internet and was surprised as I’d heard something like this before.

Then I remembered, I’d heard similar sounds in the 1956 film called the “Forbidden Planet,” (also known as Fatal Planet) starring Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis, Leslie Nielsen and The Robot (Robby the Robot).

The music and sound effects are very similar created by a husband and wife composers Louis and Bebe Barron. They were pioneers in the field of electronic music.

The short version; by using a circuit called a ring modulator and overloading the circuits until they burned out, they created unique and unpredictable sounds, however these could never be recreated again.

So with all that said, could an advanced species be emitting a soundtrack or are they communicating with us by sending us something sounding similar?

Why not make up your own minds.

Listen to the sounds of Saturn on the internet and watch the film then you can tell me what you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 13 November 2016

My Life As A Chicken!

I read the children’s book called, ‘My Life As A Chicken,’ the other morning. 

This children’s book was written by Ellen A. Kelly and illustrated by Michael Slack.

It's a story about a chicken called Pauline Paulet and her life on a farm.

Then one day when she finds the farmer reading a recipe book and hearing that he wants to make a chicken pie, she gets scared.

Believing that she is to be turned into a pie Pauline escapes through a gate to avoid the dinner plate.

Although now in the woods more danger lurks as each animal she meets wants to eat her for their supper.

Oh no what will she do, will Pauline be saved?

To find out what happens next, either read the book or watch the video on YouTube.

Without giving anything away I will say, there is a happy ending.

It's a delightful book that I'd recommend reading with young children.

So read it now and tell me what you think.

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Monday, 7 November 2016

Do Space Angels Exist?

The question is, “Do Space Angels Exist?”

I watched a short documentary the other evening about the Russian cosmonauts who were aboard the space station Salyut 7.

In July 1984 it was reported by the Russian cosmonauts that an orange light flooded the space station. They thought it was an explosion, when they looked out the portholes they saw winged entities with human features. Their wings flapped as they hovered just outside the space station.

In July 1984 this information was not made public, and was said at the time that the cosmonauts saw either a satellite moving across giving the appearance of an angel or they were hallucinating.

However the problem with that theory is that unless there were seven satellites moving at the same time close to the space station then it dismisses that idea; as apparently they had seen seven hovering angels with faces?

Now I’m not a scientist or cosmonaut but I do believe in angels.

For these entities to show themselves to the crew I believe they were making it known to them that they were being protected.

But that’s only my opinion, so what do you think?

Author: Charmain Ingleton

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Children's Books - A Duck For President?

I read the children’s book called, ‘Duck for President,’ the other afternoon.

This children’s book was written by Doreen Cronin and illustrated by Betsy Lewin.

This wonderful children’s book tells the tale of how a duck who hated chores, became a president.

However, he soon finds that it’s much more hard work at the top especially now he’s in charge of a country.

Eventually he leaves, and goes back to the farm to work, but this time in a different capacity.

Now the farmer does the ducks chores, while duck writes his autobiography.

An amusing children’s book that shows what can be achieved if you put the work in, but remember once you reach the top it still includes hard work, this applies to adults too!

To see duck in action, why not read the book or watch it on Youtube.

In my opinion being smart paid off, although the duck was lazy he showed that he could be successful. However if he’d delegated the work he wouldn’t have had to do any; just like some in management today.

What do you think, let me know?

Author: Charmain Ingleton